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Epoch Crusaders

Published by: eXtasy Books

Author : Gabriella Bradley

ISBN :978-1-4874-4297-2

Page :190

Word Count :55000

Publication Date :2025-01-20

Series : #

Heat Level :

Available Formats :

Category : Fantasy Romance , Science Fiction Romance , Science Fiction , What's New

Available now. Click HERE

Arvi could never imagine defying a direct presidential order, but when her silent yearning to find a cure for the deadly plague materializes, she faces an unexpected dilemma.


Commander Raphael Fraser, tardy for the National Meeting in the White House, stumbles upon the conversation about time travel. He volunteers to travel back to the past in the experimental time machine. However, President Braxton swiftly rejects the proposition.


Rafe invites Arvi to have lunch with him and unveils a mind-blowing plot—one she immediately embraces. It unfolds as a clandestine mission that holds the potential to rescue the world from extinction, yet she underestimates the perilous path it charts, intertwining with both danger and the risky landscape of romance.

Arvilla Vermeer leaned back and gazed at the microscope with leaden eyes and troubled thoughts. She thought she’d finally found it—a cure and vaccine for the Glowing Pox, but she was still missing something, and she didn’t have a clue what.


There was forever that one missing component…

And it wasn’t just her. All scientists worldwide, of those that were still left, were hitting brick walls. The Glowing Pox didn’t pick and choose. It slowly and steadily attacked all those that were not immune, causing many laboratories to have to shut their doors for lack of staff.

And not just labs—factories, farms, offices, banks, stores, and so much more. Since the plague spread all over the world, governments and organizations were heavily affected causing large gaps in personnel. New officials and leaders were steadily selected, many of short duration. Political and economic anarchy reigned. Global financial markets froze for some time and then developed a yoyo effect. The economy had pretty much collapsed globally.

Because of the skills shortage, imports and exports were impacted. There was a huge shortage of some products and an abundance of others. Airlines, hotels, and other modes of travel were also heavily affected. Overseas travel had almost come to a halt due to the lack of pilots and personnel.

The real estate market hadn’t died…there was a surplus of houses and apartments for sale causing a rapid decline in the prices of homes and business premises. Those that were immune and had sufficient savings were now able to buy a home…

And there was no end in sight…

A hundred and forty-three years of this worldwide mess…

And to this day there was no cure and vaccination…

And no indication that the plague had run its course or was anything close to it…

People would continue to die…slowly and steadily…

Until even the immune would fall to it and there’d be no one left…

Arvilla had lost count of the number of presidents that had been elected over the years. Presently, Alnya Braxton had climbed steadily politically and made her way into the oval office. Arvilla and Alnya had grown up together until they went to college and then went their separate ways. Though they had attended the same schools until college, they were never that close—not like bosom friends. Alnya hung out with her little group of friends, and Arvi with hers. But…neither were they on unfriendly terms. After they’d gone their separate ways and moved away from their parental homes, they were never in touch. Arvi often saw news articles of Alnya’s climb in politics…and Alnya possibly saw reports of Arvi’s laboratory accomplishments, but that was it.

And then yesterday, out of the blue, she received an email. A summons to join Alnya, her staff, and several other scientists in the White House for a meeting about the plague. Arvi had no idea what good that would do. They could talk, discuss, and strategize until they were blue in the face, but as yet there was no solution.

Not unless…yes…there was one…

But Arvi didn’t dwell on that thought—the time machine. To even bring it up at the meeting was futile. But was it?

They had to come up with something…could going to the past to find the source of the plague be the answer? Trouble was…so far no human had been tested in the machine. So, her fantasies of traveling to the past to save humanity were useless.

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Tags: Epic, Epoch Crusaders, gabriella bradley, time travel, timetravel, time machine, romance, adventure, intrigue, science fiction, fantasy