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Dating A Movie Star

Published by: eXtasy Books

Author : James J Gregoryk

ISBN :978-1-4874-4215-6

Page :120

Word Count :33469

Publication Date :2024-08-23

Series : #

Heat Level :

Available Formats : Dating A Movie Star (prc) , Dating A Movie Star (pdf) , Dating A Movie Star (mobi) , Dating A Movie Star (epub)

Category : Contemporary Romance , LGBTQIA+ Romance , Romance , What's New

  • Product Code: 978-1-4874-4215-6

Keylo Remer is a quite famous and very popular movie star. He’s in Dahlonega, Georgia, preparing to make a movie in this quaint little town. 

Jamie Greyson is a wealthy financier who comes from a very old Georgian family from Dahlonega. He lives with his six-year-old son who’s always trying to set him up. Hunter wants his dad married, but Jamie tells his son that he’s waiting to marry Keylo Remer.

The two men run into each other at the popular restaurant, Shenanigans. Keylo’s dining alone, while Jamie and his friends are having dinner there. Jamie spots him, and his friend goads him into inviting Keylo to join them. 

The two instantly hit it off, and their friendship blooms. Very quickly, they fall in love. Their romance grows despite Jamie having a crazy actor-hating mother. They have their bumps in the road, but they make it to their wedding—and then tragedy strikes. 

Can strong will and unbroken love get them through it all?

Jamie Greyson was having dinner with his friends at Shenanigans, a fun and popular restaurant in Dahlonega, Georgia, not far from his home. The group of eleven had just been seated when he noticed a man being seated at a small table near them. It was obvious the guy was dining alone. 

His dearest friend, Trisha, bumped him with her elbow. “Oh my God, look, it’s Keylo Remer. You’ve always said you’re not married because you’re waiting for him.” She spoke softly so no one else would hear their conversation. “Now’s your chance. Go over and talk to him while you can.”

“I’m not going over there and disturbing that man’s dinner.”

“Looks to me like he hasn’t even ordered. I think you’re just all mouth and no action.”

“I’m not!” 

“Are, too.”

“Fine, I’ll go over and make a total fool out of myself just to prove a point.”

Jamie got up and walked over to Keylo Remer’s table.

Of course, Trisha blabbed to the table about what was happening, so their attention focused on Jamie.

Right before Jamie got to the table, he glanced back and saw his friends, who were motioning him to go ahead. It motivated him to continue.

  He reached the table and cleared his throat. “Mr. Remer, hello, sir, my name is Jamie Greyson. I see that you’re eating alone, and I hate to see people dining by themselves. I’m here with some very dear friends of mine and fans of yours.” He turned slightly and directed the gentleman’s attention to their table with his arm. “We’d love for you to join us. I promise you’ll have a wonderful time.” 

Keylo Remer tilted his head and looked at the table. Then he looked up at Jamie and smiled.

“Mr. Greyson, like you, I hate dining alone, so if you’re sure I wouldn’t impose, I’d really like to join your party. Plus, having you to look at makes the idea even more enticing.”

Jamie’s excitement started to boil over, but he somehow managed to keep from overreacting. He joined his hands and bent over slightly. “We’d all love it. I’ll let your waiter know you’ve moved.”

Jamie and Keylo made their way to the table to join Jamie’s friends. Jamie introduced him to the entire table and then had Keylo sit next to him.

Keylo leaned forward. “You’re Trisha Braxs, right?” 

Trisha nodded. She looked surprised to have been recognized.

“You’re the same Trisha Braxs from The Sparklers?”

“I am.”

“I can’t believe I’m actually meeting you. I’ve seen nearly all The Sparklers’ concerts. Your band is my absolute favorite.”

“Well, thank you, my dear man. I, in return, can’t believe I’m sitting next to a famous movie star. I’ve enjoyed nearly every one of your performances, thanks to Jamie.”

Glancing at Jamie and then back to Trisha, Keylo asked, “Thanks to Jamie?” 

“Yeah, he’s dragged me to every movie you’ve ever made, and I bet he could recite every word you’ve uttered in each movie. It appears my dear friend is totally enamored with you. Seeing you up close, I can see why.”

Jamie was very surprised as Keylo coyly said, “Really?”

Jamie leaned his head back and looked up to the heavens. “Oh God, save me from my so-called friends.” He lowered his head and looked at Keylo. “Okay, I admit I’m a very big fan of yours.”

“Ha.” Even with Jamie shooting Trisha a death glare, she wouldn’t be quiet. “What’s it you always say when people ask you why you’re not married?”

“Trisha, shut up.”

“Oh yeah, you always answer, I’m waiting to marry Keylo Remer.” 

Jamie rolled his eyes. “Shoot me now. Woman, I swear to God, if you open your big mouth again, I’ll shove a dinner plate in it.” If looks from Jamie could kill, Trisha would’ve blown up into small pieces,

Keylo looked at Jamie and then Trisha. “Well, now, this is becoming a very interesting table. I’m so glad Jamie asked me to join you all.” Looking at Jamie and batting his eyes, he said, “So, you’re waiting to marry little ole me?”

Jamie by now had turned a deep shade of red. He put his elbows on the table and laid his head in his hands. “Please, dear lord, take me now.”

With her sweetest angelic voice, Trisha said, “Oopsy, did I say too much?”

Keylo shot her a quick smile and looked back at Jamie.

Now Jamie knew he had to say something. “Okay, here's the long and short of it. I’ve got a six-year-old son who’s always trying to marry me off. So far, every one of his picks hasn’t been what I would call a good choice. The same goes for my dear old, old friend.” He turns and glares at Trisha. “So, I figured that answer was perfect. It’s worked pretty well so far.”

Trisha barked out a laugh. “Worked? Are you kidding? Your kid hollers at you every time you say that. Dad, you can’t marry him. You don’t even know him. Dad, you need help. Isn’t that what he always says, Jamie?” Trisha sat there with this wide-eyed, innocent look.

Jamie looked around, noticed a wait staff, and called her over to him. “Sweetheart, do you have duct tape in this building?”

“I think so.”

“Could you bring it to me, please?”

Keylo started laughing, and it just seemed to roll out of him. “You two are like siblings. This is getting to be more entertaining by the moment.”

Trisha opened her mouth to say something, but at that moment, the waiter brought the duct tape and handed it to Jamie, who in turn pulled off a big strip of tape. Trisha went silent.

Keylo looked directly at Jamie. “So, what kind of wedding did you have in mind for us?”

No one at the table could contain their laughter.

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Tags: Romance, Gay, LGBTQIA, Contemporary