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What you do to Me

Published by: eXtasy Books

Author : Kendra Mei Chailyn

ISBN :978-1-77111-185-0

Page :102

Word Count :24755

Publication Date :2012-03-29

Series : #

Heat Level :

Available Formats : What you do to Me (pdf) , What you do to Me (prc) , What you do to Me (epub) , What you do to Me (mobi)

Category : Contemporary Romance

  • Product Code: 978-1-77111-185-0

Kelin Chase is educated and ready to face the working world. When she accepts a nanny job with Henry Quartermaine, it’s only for the money. Then she meets little Emily-May and she falls hard for the child. But soon things happen and she has to stand toe to toe with one with Henry Quartermaine.

Having Kelin stand up to him both angers Henry Quartermaine and turns him on. His body burns for her in ways he can’t understand but yearns to explore. But how can he get past Kelin’s dislike for most of his family? How can he prove to her the Quartermaines aren’t evil monsters and that she should stay with him—not only as a nanny, but forever?

Having Kelin stand up to him both angered Henry Quartermaine and turned him on. His body burns for her in ways he couldn’t understand but yearned to explore. But how can he get past Kelin’s dislike for most of his family? How can he prove to her the Quartermaine’s aren’t evil monsters and that she should stay with him—not only as a nanny, but forever?

After helping Emily with her paper, print it and Emily took a shower, Kelin tucked the child in and started reading her a story. But Emily fell asleep before the end of it so Kelin tucked a bookmark on the page, turned out the light and pulled up the door. She then hurried downstairs to clean up the living-room where Emily had been playing earlier. With that finished, she placed Henry’s dinner in the oven, turned it on. Waiting for it to heat up, she turned the oven off and walked into the den. If he didn’t get home by the time the oven cooled it was all on him.

Before the shelves, she browsed, searching the many volumes of mostly leather bound and expensive titles. They said she could read anything she wished in there. She found a copy of The Secret Garden and settled into re-reading it. She was part way through chapter four, when she heard a car pulling into the yard. She closed the book, glanced at the clock and frowned. It was way past midnight. If he expected her to be back there for seven to get Emily ready for school he had another thing coming. You won’t be doing it for him, Kel—you’re doing it for pay and for Emily. You couldn’t care less what he thinks. Lifting her chin she made to go back to her book but the front door banged open and the loud laughter of a woman erupted through the house. Furious, Kelin stood up, tugged her clothes in place and made her way calmly to the front door. A blond woman was there, being held up by who Kelin hoped was Henry Quartermaine. “I would thank you two very much to keep the noise down,” she snapped quietly. “There’s a child who has to be up at seven A.M sleeping upstairs.” “Who are you?” The blond staggered towards Kelin. “The nanny,” Kelin lifted her chin. “If you wish to carry on then leave the same way you came in.” “You can—can’t talk to me—like—that,” the woman slurred, leaning precariously to one side, catching herself only to lean the other way. She peered at Kelin through half closed eyes. “You’re just the hired help.” Kelin wanted to slap the woman silly but she said nothing to her. Instead she turned to the man eyeing her. “Henry Quartermain,” he said, raking his fingers through his brown hair. “Sorry we’re late.” “I’m not the one you should be apologizing to Mr. Quartermaine. Now I’ll get my things.” “Wait a minute,” he called after her. Kelin quickened her steps to where her coat and purse was in the den. Scooping them up she hurried through another door to bypass Henry and out the front door. But still she wasn’t fast enough for he caught her getting into her car. “What’s that supposed to mean?” he questioned, grabbing her arm.

She pulled her hand away from him and whirled to face him. “What happens between you and your daughter, Mr. Quartermaine, is none of my business. I am here to care for her and make sure she’s in one piece by the time you return. Everything else is up to you as a father. And for future reference I want you to know, though I am employed by you, I would thank you very much to remember that I have a life outside your wall. Now, if you ever grab me like that again, by the time you realize your mistake, you’ll have another hole to breathe out of. Good night, Mr. Quartermaine.”

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