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Veronica and Xavier

Published by: eXtasy Books

Author : T.S. Walker

ISBN :978-1-55487-557-3

Page :72

Word Count :15717

Publication Date :2011-06-19

Series : Dark Guardian#5

Heat Level :

Available Formats : Veronica and Xavier (pdf) , Veronica and Xavier (prc) , Veronica and Xavier (epub) , Veronica and Xavier (mobi)

Category : Erotic Romance , Paranormal Romance , Romance

  • Product Code: 978-1-55487-557-3

Veronica Aquirre Demetri’s side is taken over and her need to kill is overpowering. Xavier Aquirre has returned from the dead and will help Veronica through her time of need. He must show her that she is loved and there is no need to give up her soul and kill.

A car drove up from the distance. It pulled to the side of the road and stopped. Seconds later, the door opened and a man stepped from the vehicle. Veronica inhaled as a man with dark black hair walked by her. The dark hunger of his blood called out to her. She needed to feed. Just once. She would only take a little. She promised not to kill him. Promise. She smiled and walked out into the streetlights behind the man. "Sir," she called out, hoping the man would turn around.

The man stopped, turned to look at her. "Are you speaking to me?"


"How may I help you?"

"I'm new to the area and was looking for a shopping center." Veronica smiled, but didn't show any teeth because her fangs were pressing against her lips already and she didn't want to scare him off.

"Well that's not too hard to find, young lady."

The man looked over her once and smiled as if he liked what he saw. Then he moved closer, just close enough where she could stare into his brown eyes. Without hesitation, Veronica quickly pushed into his mind. The man frowned at the invasion, but did not blink or look away. Veronica went deep until she had total control of his thoughts.

Come closer.

The man moved closer to her, his eyes staring into hers. A blank expression on his face.

Just a little taste.

Her heart pounded against her chest. Harder and harder. His blood sung to her as it ran through his veins.

Only a drop…I need.

Veronica walked him backward until they were standing in the darkened area near the lake where no one would see them if they passed. At the sound of his blood running through his veins, her teeth emerged fully. Her hand shot out, gripping his arm. She pulled him closer. His body crashed into hers. Veronica grabbed his head, pushing it to the side. Without hesitation, she sunk her fangs into his neck.

The rush of blood exploded on her tongue. The man did not make a sound as she drunk heavily. She pulled harder and harder, taking large gulps of his blood. The pain she felt started to subside, the need to kill rising. She pulled him closer, holding him in what would have been a painful grip if he was not under mind control.

Veronica wanted to drain him. She wanted his life! Pulling harder, drinking more blood, the beast inside her rose to a point she could not--no--would not stop it. She would take his life! One man missing would not harm the world's population. Just one kill. God, just one.

Her fingers dug into the man's shoulder and she held him in place. The nearing of his death rose and Veronica only needed a few more moments. The repercussion of this kill was nowhere in sight and Veronica only wanted relief.


The voice of the man she never thought she would ever hear again made her release the man.

He was so weak from the blood loss, he fell to the ground in front of her.

Blood dripped down her mouth as she stared at the man standing in front of her. The devil-angel stood at least six feet tall, light blond hair, silver eyes that glowed brightly in the darkened area. Anyone with plain eyesight would only see his eyes, but she could see him. And from what she saw--the slight snarl on his face--he was not pleased with her. Why wouldn't he be pleased with her? She was killing, just as he wanted.

It took all efforts to not run away from him. If she ran, she knew he would catch her before she made it two steps. Hell, the man had over a thousand plus years on her, making him one of the oldest vampires she knew. One of the oldest, strongest and deadest vampires she knew. Veronica stared at him for a long moment.

The man on the ground moaned, catching their attention.

"Release his mind," he ordered, making her tense again at his dark command.

Veronica's gaze went back up to the vampire in front of her.

"Now, Veronica!"

Veronica did as told. The moment she released the man's mind, he jumped up as if nothing happened and just walked away. She was sure that he had wiped the man's mind and ordered him to leave.

The moment the man she was going to kill left the area, he moved toward her, making Veronica stiffen from fear. When he stood only two feet in front of her, she dropped to her knees and stared at the ground, not knowing what else to do.

"My dear Veronica."

"Xavier," Veronica whispered his name. "I'm so sorry."

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