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Vampire Encounters Second Chances

Published by: eXtasy Books

Author : T.D. McKinney

ISBN :978-1-55410-569-4

Page :217

Word Count :54250

Publication Date :2011-06-19

Series : #

Heat Level :

Available Formats : Vampire Encounters Second Chances (pdf) , Vampire Encounters Second Chances (prc) , Vampire Encounters Second Chances (epub) , Vampire Encounters Second Chances (mobi)

Category : Erotic Romance , Paranormal Romance , Romance

  • Product Code: 978-1-55410-569-4

After all the disappointments in her life, Samantha Bailey locked herself away from the world. All she has is her love for romance novels and for one romance novel hero in particular. Deny it as much as she will, Sam is in love with the gorgeous, sexy, and very fictional Cole Grayson. It’s a hopeless and insane situation until her make-believe hero turns to utterly desirable flesh and blood. Thrust into the world of her vampire novel hero, Sam finds all the erotic passion and love she could ever want. If Sam can survive Cole’s murderous ex-girlfriend and accept that fiction is sometimes real, she may be able to keep her dream man.

"You need a real man."

"Lurleen! Please!" Samantha's smile was half-exasperated, half-amused.

"Well, it's true! When was the last time you went out on a date?" Lurleen tossed a carefully highlighted hank of ash-blond hair over her shoulder. "And discussing server issues and new programming concerns over lunch with Billy Wheaton doesn't count," she quickly added.

Sam sighed and pushed her more prosaic brown hair away from her face. "Billy Wheaton's married."

"Like I said, he doesn't count." Lurleen checked her reflection in the night-darkened window behind Sam. "Do these pants make me look fat?"

Sam was used to the tangents and convolutions inherent to conversations with her friend and just went with the flow of it. She was also used to the other woman's preoccupation with her looks. Sam often felt mousy and drab standing beside all that flamboyance. Still, Lurleen was her best friend, and Sam was more than willing to supply the reassurance she needed. "You weigh ninety-eight pounds with your boots on, and ten pounds of that is hairspray and make-up. Nothing makes you look fat. Fat wouldn't even make you look fat."

"That's why I love you, Sammie." Lurleen's west Texas accent was even denser and more pronounced than Sam's. She was also the only person alive who could get away with using that hated nickname. Anyone else who addressed Samantha as Sammie was likely to discover just how redneck Sam could be when she was agitated. But Lurleen was Sam's friend and had been since kindergarten. She'd picked up the nickname from Sam's father.

The only other person who dared use the diminutive was Sam's brother. But she hated to hear Frank say it. It reminded her her father was gone. It had been three years since Jock Bailey's death but the pain was still sharp. Frank couldn't seem to understand her lingering grief and despite his sister's repeated requests, he insisted on calling her by her family pet name. Oddly, it didn't hurt when Lurleen said 'Sammie'. Of course, Lurleen's voice wasn't nearly identical to Jock's, and didn't call up that sense of loss and sorrow. The twinge of grief was still there but it was somehow softer, and only made her feel wistful.

Lurleen grinned brightly at her friend, unfazed by dismal thoughts and pleased with the ego boost she'd just received. "You always make me feel good about me, Sammie."

Sam chuckled at the blonde's bouncy response. "That's what girlfriends are for. So who's got you all fancied up?"

Lurleen's grin grew and gained a certain salacious edge. Her eyes went glassy with desire and her voice dropped half an octave in pitch. "Edmundo."

"Lord help him," Sam said with just a hint of sarcasm. If she was any judge of Lurleen's intentions, Edmundo was in for a long and strenuous Friday night.

Sam glanced at her reflection in the window and firmly resisted the urge to feel jealous. She had no reason to dress up. With an inward sigh, she admitted she was about as far from dressed up as she could be. Her long brown hair was unfettered by styling products and hung free over her shoulders. It was tidy enough, but certainly not tinted and styled the way it would have been a few years earlier. There were no cosmetics on her face, and she couldn't remember the last time she bothered to put on make-up.

Her fashion statement these days was clean and neat rather than fashionable or sexy. There was a time when Friday night meant she would be just as dolled up as Lurleen, with hair fresh from the beauty parlor and lips bright with lipstick. Now it meant Casual Friday at the office and a chance to relax in jeans and a T-shirt instead of the usual business wear. It meant working late and not thinking about going home to an empty apartment.

When had she stopped caring about how she looked? When had she quit trying?

With a smile she didn't really feel stretching her unvarnished lips, she turned her attention back to Lurleen, took a long look at her friend's wardrobe choices, and amended her earlier thought. Edmundo was in for a long and strenuous weekend. The garish shirt and tight, starched, pink jeans Lurleen wore were new. Since she didn't buy new clothes for just any man, Sam figured Edmundo must be pretty far up her friend's rating scale. Maybe Lurleen had finally found the man she had been looking for since the two girls first started talking about their dream guy back in middle school. Sam hoped so.

A bit of reality crept into her smile. She also hoped Edmundo was taking his vitamins and drinking lots of Red Bull. He was going to need them. And as long as he made Lurleen happy, Sam was pleased.

"So should I call your cell phone Sunday night to remind you to get out of bed and go home?" Sam asked with a sardonic smile. It helped to cover up the empty feeling inside.

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