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The Vampire's Geek

Published by: eXtasy Books

Author : Charlie Richards

ISBN :978-1-4874-0140-5

Page :120

Word Count :24744

Publication Date :2014-11-29

Series : Wolves of Stone Ridge#26

Heat Level :

Available Formats : The Vampire's Geek (pdf) , The Vampire's Geek (prc) , The Vampire's Geek (epub) , The Vampire's Geek (mobi)

Category : Erotic Romance , LGBTQIA+ Romance , Paranormal Romance

  • Product Code: 978-1-4874-0140-5

Out of the Cage: Running away from trouble is wise…unless trouble follows you wherever you go.

Toby Dallow followed his employer, mentor, and friend, Edwin Aldridge, to the small mountain town of Stone Ridge, Colorado. While he’d never begrudge Edwin the bond he has with his wolf shifter mate, Toby longs for something like that of his own. When a handsome stranger picks him up in a grocery store, at first, he thinks it’s a joke. Learning the man is sincere, Toby takes advantage. After all, he thinks not too many sexy studs are into overweight science geeks.
Blamed for something he didn’t do, Tullion Kuznetsov is on the run. Traveling back roads in search of a safe place to hole up, he stops for supplies. His vampiric senses fixate on the blood of a short, plump human browsing the cereal aisle. Drawing closer, mixed feelings assault him when he realizes he’s finally found his beloved. Unable to resist his other half’s siren call, Tullion embraces the gift Fate has given him…at least, for one night. Then, he’ll need to walk away. After all, how can he, in good conscience, involve the shy, quiet Toby in his problems?

As soon as he’d hit the cereal aisle, Toby had adjusted himself, again. Then, he’d tried to focus on picking out his cereal. Out of the corner of his eye, Toby had spotted the sexy man appear. Panicking, he’d grabbed the nearest cereals, holding them up as if studying the ingredients.

Now, the guy approached. Toby tried to ignore him, because he knew a sexy stud like him would never be interested in an overweight, glasses-wearing nerd like himself.

Hot geez, though! How could you ignore that hip-rolling gait?

When the man stopped just behind him, Toby’s breath hitched in his chest. He could practically feel the heat of the other man’s body, he stood so close. Did he have no concept of personal space? Then, the guy rested his hands on Toby’s shoulders and leaned his chest against his shoulder blade.

“I’m sure you taste just as sweet as those cereals,” the guy all but purred. “Will you give me a chance to find out?”

Toby’s mind checked out upon hearing the man’s deep voice. It seemed to rumble from the stranger’s chest and felt as if it vibrated through Toby’s shoulder. Plus, what kind of accent was that? Toby wasn’t completely sure, but he’d be happy to listen to it all day long.

“I promise I can show you a good time, cutie,” the stranger continued.

Cutie? Wait, what? No one but his mother called him cute…and that had been years ago.

Yanked out of his lust-induced haze, Toby frowned. He glared over his shoulder and pulled away from the man. “What’s your game?” he snapped, his heart pounding in his chest. “Pick on the geek? What’s the bet? See if I’ll suck you off? Or do you think I’m so hard up that I’ll let just any asshole fuck me?”

The stranger’s brows shot up. Then, his deep green eyes narrowed and he held out his hand. “My name is Tullion Kuznetsov and there is no bet.”

Cautiously, Toby reached out and took the man’s hand. “Toby Dallow.” He figured if the stranger, Tullion, tried to hurt him, he could always scream. When he slid his hand into Tullion’s much larger palm, instead of shaking, Tullion slid his fingertips along his inner wrist so their hands were almost fisted together as he brought their clasped hands to his chest.

Tullion stepped close, pinning Toby to the shelf behind him. Gaping up at the man, Toby realized just how different their heights were. Since he stood five foot nine, he figured that’d put Tullion in around six foot one or two. Tullion rocked his pelvis into Toby’s stomach, and Toby gasped at the ridge of the man’s erection rubbing along his soft belly.

“No bet, no games, only desire,” Tullion growled softly. “I feel your answering need digging into my hip, so I know you share our attraction.” He adjusted his stance just enough to put pressure on Toby’s leaking cock as he lowered his head and whispered into Toby’s ear. “Now, how about you agree to take me home where I can please you properly before we embarrass ourselves right here in the store.” Tullion finished with a lick to the arc of Toby’s ear, sending tingles down his neck.

Since Toby had never even kissed another person before, the feel of someone applying pressure to his dick left him panting. He struggled to focus and made one last ditch effort to warn away the guy…just in case.

“If-If you’re lying, I have friends who’ll kick your butt.” Toby somehow managed to pant out the warning even as his balls tightened from the stimulation.

“You have my word,” Tullion vowed. “Only pleasure.”

Toby managed to nod, because the hell if he was going to turn down getting his cherry popped by this sexy man. “Okay.”

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