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The Nun Who Loved to Come

Published by: eXtasy Books

Author : D. Cooper

ISBN :978-1-4874-0851-0

Page :164

Word Count :50073

Publication Date :2017-03-31

Series : #

Heat Level :

Available Formats : The Nun Who Loved to Come (pdf) , The Nun Who Loved to Come (prc) , The Nun Who Loved to Come (mobi) , The Nun Who Loved to Come (epub)

Category : LGBTQIA+ Romance , Erotica

  • Product Code: 978-1-4874-0851-0

Cause every convent has its own story to tell.  A lonely, young woman becomes seduced by dark secrets. While wandering in the shadows she tries to find her way back to the light.

Throughout her teenage years, Belinda saw more evil than good surrounding her in everyday life. Trust is something she could not find until she came across a young woman who invited her to a place where they made their own rules and covenants. This was no ordinary convent. For the eyes cannot see what lies beneath words and pictures that seem so innocent at first. She soon finds that she has been deceived again—but this time she embraced the deceit wholeheartedly. She found herself in the comfort of other women—and it is there she discovered a safe haven where she learned to trust, believe and even love. For the first time, Belinda's new life included a circle of friends who became not only her family, but her lovers as well.

Clara was on a mission, and she wanted Belinda to experience something that Belinda never had experienced before. She told Belinda she was going to unlock something deep inside Belinda, and the key to this treasure was held in Clara's very hands

Very entertaining, sexy fun, leaving you on the edge until the end. Packed full of sex scenes like no other. Move over Mr. Grey.

"Get out, the house is on fire!"

There was chaos everywhere, both inside and outside the building that had been Belinda's home for three months now. Yorkshire Manor was almost in ruins, with nothing but the stench of billowing, black smoke hovering over the city of Gravenstille. It was a small city with a big heart, located just thirty minutes south of Brockfield, USA. It was well known for helping out other cities during hardships caused by notorious electrical storms which brewed from the Calming Mountains situated in the eastern region.

Suddenly, smoke filled the remaining rooms and hallways as the fire ripped through the meeting room below like a blazing dragon. Screams and panic deafened the night, only to be drowned out by the force of firemen's hoses swelling into the hot August night.

Marilyn grabbed Belinda's arm and pulled her back before she could leave the room.

"No," said Marilyn in a panic. "We can't go that way, by now the stairs have burnt out."

"Well, what do we do now?" said Belinda in desperation.

"We'll have to jump," said Marilyn. "That's our only option. We have no other choice but to jump."

"Are you crazy?" shouted Belinda. "We're three stories high!"

Marilyn's anger started to vent towards her best friend.

"Yes, but do you have any better ideas? Besides, if we don't do something soon, we'll die. We have no choice!"

Then, all of a sudden, whoosh and boom. The floor beneath them started to give way, and the time they had left was expiring, like sand falling through an hourglass. The floor on the opposite side of the entrance gave away as the parasitic fire ate its way from the core of the rotten apple to the room the two girls occupied.

"I don't want us to die like this. This is not the way it should end," said Belinda.

"Here, put this towel over your mouth, and lay low while I open this window. The damn thing is sealed," said Marilyn in anger. That was Marilyn, Belinda's best friend—always her protector, her confidant.

The window shattered while both girls screamed and backed away in terror. The broken glass from the window dispersed all over them. A figure appeared out of the haze and entered through the broken window to where the two frightened girls were almost overtaken by smoke. It was a firewoman, who shouted with an unusually muffled voice because of the breathing apparatus and oxygen tank strapped to her back.

She asked, "How many in this room?"

"Just the two of us," said Marilyn, choking on the heavy smoke.

"Are you sure?" asked the firewoman.

"Yes," replied both girls in unison.

"Okay," said the firewoman. "One of you will have to come with me first. I can only take one at a time in the basket. I'll come for the second after."

"Go," said Marilyn to Belinda. "You go first."

"No, no way," yelled Belinda in a panic, removing the dirty towel that once covered her mouth. "You go first, Marilyn."

Before Belinda had a chance to say anything more, the firewoman grabbed her and made her way back to the window, which showed a small ray of filtered light stretching from outside to within the dark room.

"I don't have time for this, I must save you both as fast as I can," said the firewoman.

"No, no," screamed Belinda, "Leave me, take her."

The firewoman didn’t give her a choice, and as the place was already fully consumed by smoke and fire—she knew there was no time to spare. When she got Belinda to safety, Belinda was hysterical and in shock. She screamed with fear, for she knew her best friend was in grave danger.

"Save her," said Belinda, "Please save her," as the tears rolled down her dirty face.

"I will," said the firewoman as she was, once again, lifted towards the old, red house now engulfed in a fiery fireball.

At that same moment, the remainder of the top floor blew out. The glass from the windows spread quickly below, like icicles scattered in the wind. The firewoman tried to get close enough but was denied because of the smoldering building and high, intense heat which no human could bear. Suddenly, the high-pressure water being projected was making an impact—although it wasn't working fast enough to fully extinguish the flames, it did give the firewoman time to sneak back into the building.

"No," said Belinda in a weak voice while an oxygen mask covered her mouth. She stared back at the old manor that had once stood amid the majestic maple trees.

"Oh, my God, this can't be happening," said a bystander who had just caught a glimpse of his friend sitting on the back entrance to an ambulance.

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