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The Day After Summer

Published by: eXtasy Books

Author : Evelyn Starr

ISBN :978-1-55410-050-7

Page :282

Word Count :70500

Publication Date :2010-08-25

Series : #

Heat Level :

Available Formats : The Day After Summer (pdf) , The Day After Summer (prc) , The Day After Summer (epub) , The Day After Summer (mobi)

Category : Erotic Romance

  • Product Code: 978-1-55410-050-7

Orion Barr is confused. On the run from his past, from terrible mistakes made long ago, he’s finally come home again after twenty years. To the girl he left behind but never stopped loving. To the dark family secret that’s overshadowed everything he’s done since. And now time’s running out. Orion knows he must face up to the past. And put those secrets to rest, once and for all.

Now it was Dottie’s turn to catch her breath. To struggle just to stay conscious and to control the suddenly mad, suddenly out-of-control hammering of her heart. To try to remember that she didn’t want to trust him as thoroughly as her heart already seemed inclined to trust. Tried to remember that this was the man who’d nearly destroyed her once, and might very well, could very well, destroy her again. Tried to remind herself that he was a stranger now, and all the more likely to feel no compunction about leaving again, whenever the mood struck him.

But then her lips parted beneath his, and she gave in to the strength of him. Gave in to the overpowering warmth and magic of the tall body that bent over hers and wrapped itself around hers. Helpless to do anything else, she gave in. And realized, with a sudden thumping of her heart and rippling of astonishment along her spine, that she’d never stopped loving him. That never once, in all the long and empty years he’d left her alone, had she doubted he was the man who’d been made for her. The only one. Never once doubted that if she’d lost him forever, as had seemed the case until just about half an hour ago, he was the one she would wait for until she drew her dying breath and went to meet her maker as a forgotten but faithful old spinster who’d spent the best years of her life pottering around among her dusty antiques.

Orion’s tongue had begun to search hers and to caress it, just the way his lips had searched and caressed scant moments before. And it was an insidious searching. A warm and insistent caressing as his tongue sought the center of her and awaken all the old feelings she knew were better left unawakened.

 She almost made it. Almost found the strength and the resolve to resist. But then Orion groaned softly, deep in his throat, the smoky-sweet warmth of his mouth never straying from hers. And that was all it took. Hearing him grown, Dottie felt her body begin to sway within the tight circle of the arms that enfolded her. Felt herself...all of herself...warm and soften, and lose the sharp-edged anxiety that had been her best weapon in the battle to hold him at bay. She heard herself moan in reply, gently and softly, but in a way that answered every one of the questions he’d just asked, in a way that said she would willingly comply with every suggestion he’d just made. That said she might even offer a few very inventive suggestions of her own.

Dottie felt her feet leave the ground.

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