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Temptresses in the Dark

Published by: eXtasy Books

Author : D. Cooper

ISBN :978-1-4874-1332-3

Page :37

Word Count :9974

Publication Date :2017-12-23

Series : #

Heat Level :

Available Formats : Temptresses in the Dark (epub) , Temptresses in the Dark (prc) , Temptresses in the Dark (mobi) , Temptresses in the Dark (pdf)

Category : Erotica , Holiday Countdown 2017 , Christmas

  • Product Code: 978-1-4874-1332-3

A woman returns home after ten long years and plans on reuniting with her former lovers.

When Irene Feltwynne left Ridgeline Country to pursue a career as a doctor, she left behind her two best friends and never looked back. Fast forward ten years, Irene returns to honour an oath they had sworn which was to remain lovers, forever. Her plans become derailed when she finds out that Travis and Candace are now engaged to be married. There is a Christmas dance coming up at the Black Lodge where Irene hatches a plan to win back their hearts. Is it too late for Travis and Candace to let her back in?

Christmas was just ten days away. The Bedford family were busy prepping for their town’s annual Christmas dance at the Black Lodge. Ridgeline Country had a population of only five hundred people but their hearts were as big as the moon. Mrs. Diana Bedford, her daughter Bethany, and her soon to be daughter-in-law, Candace Richardson, were baking in the kitchen. Mr. Jon Bedford and his father, Jack, enjoyed some leisure time together while they smoked on their pipes in the living room. Nan Bedford had already spent her time in the kitchen and was resting in the guestroom.

“Bethany, can you please keep an eye on the oven while I go and get the mail? I’m sure Candace won’t mind giving you a hand while I’m gone,” said Diana as she grabbed her coat and hat.

“Yes, Mom, I will,” replied Bethany.

“Be careful Diana, the roads are slippery ever since we had that freezing rain earlier this morning,” said Jon with concern. He got up out of his chair and took a look out the kitchen window to see what Travis and Benjamin were up to. “Are the boys still out in the garage?”

“I believe they still are. Travis and Benjie have been at that old truck ever since they ran it off the road last week,” said Candace.

“Yes, luckily no one was hurt. I can’t believe they decided to go to a house party in the middle of the night when they all knew very well a storm was about to hit us. Suits them fine for being so stupid.” Bethany knew her two brothers were a little on the wild side, especially when they were with their old friend, Linden Handsworth.

“Now, now, Beth, boys will be boys,” said Jon with a funny look.

“Now Dad, don’t go defending the boys when you knew they shouldn’t have been on the road so late at night. They had us worried sick too. Mom told me that you were just as bad when you were young.”

“Heck, when he was young, he was even worse,” said Jack. He leaned towards the women. “Me and your grandmother had more than our hands full. Let me tell you this, there wasn’t and there ain’t no child in Ridgeline Country today who was as bad as your father. Jon was a little devil, no doubt. I must say though, of all the trouble he got into, not one cop came to our doorstep. At least I can give him credit for that.”

“Thanks for the moral support, Dad. You see Bethany, Candace, I was an angel in more ways than one.”

“Sure, Jon, whatever you say,” said Candace. She looked over at Bethany and winked.

The main door to the porch opened and slammed quickly. A young girl was panicking and screaming.

“Everybody come quickly! The truck has pinned Travis to the ground!”

“What the hell! Everyone, give us a hand right now!” yelled Jon.

“I’ll call an ambulance right away,” said Bethany.

Everyone was shocked. They all left the house abruptly, hoping to save their Travis from certain death. When they got to the detached garage, Benjamin and Linden were desperately trying to free Travis from the truck, which had slipped off the jack that was supporting it.

“Everyone, grab a hold of the front bumper and lift, ready—now,” said Benjamin. 

“Brandi, please go get some more help. Find as many as possible,” instructed Jack. He then quickly ran to put the truck in neutral.

At that same moment, Diana returned and rushed in to help them. She knelt down beside Travis to see how serious it was.

“Travis, just hang in there, Mommy is here, okay. Get this fucking truck off him now, please!” Her words were answered with a miracle. They gave it their all with a mighty lift as the truck rolled back a few inches, enough to free Travis from being crushed to death. It was a dramatic scene nobody wanted to experience. Travis gasped desperately for air. Everyone surrounded him not knowing what to do next, except Candace.

“Guys, just give him some space.” Candace tried her best to comfort him and assist her fiancé.

More help arrived thanks to Brandi. They too were so shocked to see their friend struggling on the ground while groping his own neck in discomfort.

“Thank the Lord, the ambulance is here,” cried Diana.

“Yes, good timing guys. He’s having a hard time breathing,” explained Benjamin to them after they got out of the vehicle.

The paramedics immediately supplied Travis with oxygen and assisted him into the ambulance.

“I’ll go with him,” said Diana.

“Okay,” replied Bethany. “You go with Travis while me and Candace finish the baking. Please give us a call when he sees the doctor, alright.”

“I will let you all know as soon as possible,” said Diana.

“Oh shit! The muffins in the oven! I forgot about them. They’re probably burned to shit by now—damn it,” yelled Bethany.

In that same moment, the front door swung open. It was Grandmother, who had just awakened due to the loudness from outside.

“What is all the ruckus? I thought we were being attacked or something. All I heard was people screaming. You all scared the shit out of me.”

“Nanny, the truck fell on Travis and trapped him underneath,” said Bethany.

“Oh, my god, is he going to be okay?” she worried.

“He’s in the ambulance right now. Look, they’re leaving. We told mom to give us a call when he gets to see the doctor,” replied Bethany.

“Bethany, I’ll go check on the muffins,” said Candace.

“No need for that, Candace dear. I already took them out of the oven.

“Oh, thank you Mary. Are they burned up?”

“No, they’re fine. I can’t wait to try them. Ginger muffins are my favourite.”

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