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Shadowed Love

Published by: eXtasy Books

Author : Martine Jardin

ISBN :978-1-55487-029-5

Page :306

Word Count :76000

Publication Date :2010-08-05

Series : #

Heat Level :

Available Formats : Shadowed Love (pdf) , Shadowed Love (prc) , Shadowed Love (epub) , Shadowed Love (mobi)

Category : Contemporary Romance , Romance

  • Product Code: 978-1-55487-029-5

Set against the harsh intolerance of South African apartheid, Shadowed Love chronicles the star-crossed journey of two interracial lovers in their quest for freedom.

Set in the early sixties, this book is partially based on true life events, and is part fiction. Romance is like a burning jewel, it either sparks and flames brightly, or it is shadowed by the world's cruel intervention. Shadowed Love is the story of a love between a black man and a white woman. Their love is like a flawless pearl, perfect, unblemished, except for the cruelty of humanity determined to destroy it. Young Bonnie Winters and her mother Noelene have left Australia to begin a new life in South Africa. Bonnie's attraction to Abraham Mogale, a black man working the printing press at her private school, soon ignites into a passion that cannot be ignored. Despite the considerable risks, the lovers vow to be together even if it means leaving the country. However, their ultimate goal faces several challenges that will test the endurance of their spirits and their love for each other.

After she'd attended the school for six weeks, Bonnie had to start taking her turn to make tea. Mrs. Reis had her marked down for mornings that week and Nina for afternoons. Each girl had to make tea for a week until, after twelve weeks all the students had their turn.

Bonnie didn't mind at all. She was allowed to leave class ten minutes early, so it would give her shelter from the other students' mean remarks for at least fifteen minutes. When she left the classroom, sly smiles and whispers followed her, and she quickly closed the door behind her and walked to reception.

After she opened the door to the print shop then closed it softly behind her, she noticed Abraham busy at his desk. He'd either not heard her come in or didn't take notice. His concentration remained on the work he was doing. "Good morning, Abraham," Bonnie said loud enough to overpower the noisy printing press.

Abe sat up then looked at her, pencil between his teeth. "Good morning, Missy."

Bonnie frowned. "My name is Bonnie." Their gazes locked and wild turmoil coursed through Bonnie's veins as she noted his fine features, very white teeth that contrasted sharply against his black skin and black eyes. His gaze bored into hers.

"I'm not allowed to call you by your first name," he said while he took the pencil from between his teeth and tapped it on the desk.

"Who says?"

"It's the law, Missy. I had better continue with my work before the boss walks in and catches us talking."

"It's a stupid law. I will not have you call me missy. You can't be that much older than me anyway."

Abe put his pencil down. "Missy, please let me do my work? I'll lose my job if they walk in and hear us talking."

Bonnie hesitated. Irritation at the South African apartheid law made her obstinate, but then she thought about what he'd just said. She didn't want to be the cause of Abraham losing his job.

Quietly, she walked to the kitchen, put the kettle on and got the tray ready. She couldn't find the sugar. After she searched all the cupboards and couldn't see it anywhere, she started for the door to ask June, but turned to Abraham instead. "Abraham, do you know where the sugar is hiding?"

Without a word he stood up from his chair and walked into the kitchen. Bonnie followed him. She stood behind him while he opened a top cupboard, reached into the back, and produced a large tin. Bonnie felt very small next to him. Her head just reached his armpits. She wondered how tall he was.

When he turned suddenly, he bumped into her. Their bodies touched briefly before Bonnie stepped back. Her heart pounded wildly in her chest as the chemistry between them caused wave after wave of wild abandonment. His black eyes gazed into hers. She tried to read them, but all she sensed was separation, anger, defiance and disillusionment. Her eyes searched for a spark of interest, but she found none. The only signs of his discomfort were tiny droplets that suddenly dotted his forehead.

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Tags: Interracial, Mainstream, Romance