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Search for Love

Published by: eXtasy Books

Author : B.D. Ward

ISBN :978-1-4874-0161-0

Page :491

Word Count :157527

Publication Date :2014-11-14

Series : #

Heat Level :

Available Formats : Search for Love (mobi) , Search for Love (epub) , Search for Love (prc) , Search for Love (pdf)

Category : Erotic Romance , Historical Romance

  • Product Code: 978-1-4874-0161-0

A woman's past, recalling the frustrations and sexual encounters, in her search for true love.

A wild child born into a wealthy English family is sent to the Colony of New South Wales in the hope she will change her rebellious ways. Carolyne Worth meets and falls in love with Captain Fabian Welsh, a man married to the sea and always in search of adventure. This spirit leads them to the fledgling town of Brisbane in the latter half of the nineteenth century, but not before Carolyne has acquired a maid, Ruby, to accompany them.

All is not as it seems with Fabian's work, and on one voyage they return with a stranger and the ship in a state of disrepair.

The discovery of gold brings a new challenge and a more deadly adventure for the daring Fabian. Fate can be cruel, and Carolyne finds herself alone with only Ruby and her new born baby after a disaster. But as one door closes another opens, leaving her exposed to further dangers from an irrational and unbalanced admirer.

She returns to Gympie, determined to live her life as best she can, but love has a way of rearing its beautiful head, and Carolyne is again at the mercy of her suitor. But with a past so littered with lovers would she be prepared to search once more?

The salt spray drifted aimlessly, sticking to everything it touched each time the clipper ploughed headlong into the rising swell of the ocean as it made its way along the coast towards the Port of Brisbane. My husband, Captain Fabian Welsh, owner and captain of this magnificent clipper ship, the Albatross, believes our future lies in this colony of Queensland, and put his words into action by shifting his business interests from Sydney to this new fledgling town.

I myself have doubts. I fail to see any advantage in closing down a successful business to restart in a place that had barely grown from its days as a convict settlement, but my husband, an adventurer and opportunist, believes otherwise, and it is not for the wife to interfere in her husband's business arrangements, although I had earlier stated my objections, which fell on deaf ears.

My name is Carolyne Welsh, nee Worth, originally from Kent in England. My family are well-to-do and of good stock, but I have been termed by family members a black sheep and rebel, although I'm sure those are terms used more for males in the family. At seventeen I rebelled against the wishes of my father and ran away from home, meeting with a group of youths of like persuasion. For a month we lived together at some farmhouse enjoying the sins of opium and love, although I remember little of what occurred, except to say my virginity was no longer preserved.

I was found, and returned home, only to be sent to some finishing school for young women, where I spent much of my time avoiding classes, reading obscene poetry, and smoking, in an attic hideaway. This schooling lasted a year, and although I had learned little, my father was convinced of my improvement and allowed me to return home. Again I rebelled, but my escape was short-lived and much less adventurous than my first escapade, but enough to stir my father's ire, and before I could blacken the name of my good family further, he decided it might be better for all if I was to take an extended trip to some exotic destination, where, if I were to fall foul of the authorities, his name would not be known or blackened.

So, before my nineteenth birthday I was aboard the Ballantyne sailing halfway around the world to a place called Sydney, along with many others who were keen to make a new life and their fortunes in this out-of-the-way place. I read all I could about the town and listened to many who had been there, or had friends who had, and decided that, although I was not happy about the move, I would have to make the best of a very bad situation. During the journey I befriended Jenney, the daughter of a magistrate in Sydney, who had been in England visiting with relatives, and was now returning home. She was innocent and naïve, and continually asked me questions about my life and loves. Most of what I told her was stories I had heard or been told, but she was gullible enough to believe anything I said.

We arrived in Sydney after what most agreed was a comfortable voyage. My friendship with Jenney had grown over that time, and although I had thought on many occasions of taking the friendship further, I had restrained myself in the hope that when we arrived in this place, I might be attracted to some good-looking well-to-do male who would pay well for my affections. On the dock we were greeted by her father and mother, and sister, and on learning I was alone and knew no one in the colony, they graciously offered that I might stay with them until I could make other suitable arrangements. It was an offer I gladly accepted.

Their home was large and overlooked the harbour, which I found extended back many miles and into which rivers flowed. The town had grown over the years and the farming land that had once been the source of food for the colony was now being pushed further out as buildings sprang up and more immigrants took up holdings across the land. Jenney and her family were wonderful to me, showing me the sights of the place and telling where it was safe to go and not go. Although not anything like London, Sydney still had its seedy side, which was best to avoid. Along with everything else, they introduced me to the upper crust of society, something a normal working class person might never attain.

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Tags: Adult, BDSM, historical, erotic romance, fictional memoir, sexual awakening