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In the Eyes of Crazy

Published by: eXtasy Books

Author : Charlie Richards

ISBN :978-1-77111-442-4

Page :97

Word Count :20488

Publication Date :2013-01-07

Series : Kontra's Menagerie#9

Heat Level :

Available Formats : In the Eyes of Crazy (prc) , In the Eyes of Crazy (mobi) , In the Eyes of Crazy (epub) , In the Eyes of Crazy (pdf)

Category : Erotic Romance , Paranormal Romance

  • Product Code: 978-1-77111-442-4

On the Road: Sometimes, the shy quiet type, really aren’t shy or quiet at all.


Payson thought he’d found his mate once, but had been wrong. With his senses screwed up by scientist’s experiments, he no longer trusts them. He sleeps with any nice smelling, willing male—and some females—hoping his hyena will want to keep one of them. He’s shocked and delighted when he and his animal are in agreement over one sexy, nerdy human—Land Zimmerman. The sex is fantastic, Land’s shy virgin playfulness even better, and Payson gives in to his hyena’s urge to mark Land. The next morning, things heat up, and not in a good way. Payson’s jealous hyena attacks a fellow pack-member standing a little too close to Land. Can Payson convince his skittish human that he’s not as crazy as he seems?


 “Put the helmet and jacket on, then get on,” he ordered firmly.

A shiver of anticipation worked its way through Payson when Land immediately obeyed. As he swung his leg over the bike and settled on the tiny bitch seat behind Payson, Land asked, “Is this safe?”

“Yup,” Payson replied grabbing Land’s arms and pulling them around his waist and chest. “Hang on tight.”

Once Land’s arms tightened, Payson put the bike in gear and took off. Land yelped and pressed closer. Payson grinned, feeling the guy’s dick against the small of his back. Still hard. Good.

Mindful that his passenger was human, Payson kept to only ten over the speed limit. He wound through the streets until he came to the gated community where he and his gang had rented a mansion. They didn’t know how long it would take for Kontra’s mate, Tim, to grow stronger in his magick powers. Tim had inherited them from his deceased mother once he and Kontra had mated. Then Tim had received a note from a warlock named Draven claiming that he’ll be his mentor once Tim’s abilities grew powerful enough to find him. Payson knew it had something to do with the premonitions Tim occasionally had. Draven gave them a head start, telling them to go to San Francisco, so here they were.

Pulling into a driveway, which was also gated, Payson paused at the stand and punched in a code. The gates swung open on silent hinges. He gunned his engine and roared through, then pressed a button on a box affixed to his handlebars and one of the seven garage doors swung open.

Once inside, he pushed it again, sinking them into near darkness, until the door closed and low wattage running lights flipped on around them. The auto lights were meant to allow someone to safely get out of the vehicle and to the door. If someone was actually going to work in the garage, there were massive overhead lights over each bay that would illuminate the area as bright as day.

But that wasn’t what Payson wanted, he wanted mellow mood lighting, and this was perfect. Using shifter agility, he carefully maneuvered until he’d turned around on the bike, facing Land. He eased the helmet off the man’s head and the jacket off his shoulders, putting them both on the ground next to the bike.

Land was staring at him with wide eyes. “You live here?”

“For the time being,” Payson replied, not interested in explaining his nomadic lifestyle right then. “Come here.” He couldn’t hide the growl in his words as his excitement built. Time to implement my plan.

Payson slipped his hand around Land’s slender waist and pulled him forward, practically spilling the rather uncoordinated man onto his lap. Perfect! Sliding his arms around Land’s back, Payson cupped his head and urged it even further down so he could capture the man’s lips.

Leaning against the tank of his bike, Payson enjoyed having the human sprawled on top of him as he explored Land’s mouth. He tasted faintly of mint, probably from toothpaste or gum, and under that was male and some natural ginger spice. Payson growled, wanting more. He delved his tongue deep, twining it with Land’s, getting a whimper and shudder from Land for his effort.

He planted his feet on the ground for leverage and rocked his hips up, rubbing his erection against Land’s trapped rod. Land moaned and jerked. Payson ended the kiss and tilted his head so he could see his human’s face. He continued rocking his hips, enjoying the friction and mewls of pleasure coming from his soon-to-be lover.

The flush of arousal made Land’s cheeks glow in the low lights. His heavily lidded eyes were out of focus as he panted through slightly parted lips. Land’s grip on Payson’s shoulders tightened then relaxed.

All the signs pointed to Land’s imminent orgasm, and Payson really wanted to see that. He wanted to cause this human to fall apart in his arms. He palmed Land’s globes and squeezed the mounds. That got a very nice little gasp from Land. Payson grinned. On his next thrust up, he pulled Land’s ass down, making the friction harder, more urgent.

Land squeezed his eyes shut and whimpered, “Wait…oh…I…ugh!”

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Tags: Adult, Erotic Romance, Gay, GLBT, Paranormal