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Return to Love

Published by: eXtasy Books

Author : Annette Shelley

ISBN :978-1-55487-555-9

Page :252

Word Count :63000

Publication Date :2010-08-08

Series : Beyond 2012#1

Heat Level :

Available Formats : Return to Love (pdf) , Return to Love (prc) , Return to Love (epub) , Return to Love (mobi)

Category : Erotic Romance , Romance , Science Fiction Romance

  • Product Code: 978-1-55487-555-9

Steak- it does a body good!

Earth 3033 is an ominous place. Thanks to mistakes made during the Great Shift of 2012, the planet is now ruled by an evil queen, mankind is genetically modified to consume fructose corn syrup and men and women are held captive, used solely for reproductive purposes. One woman vows to free her people and joins forces with a love-loving alien who introduces her to steak and physical intimacy. Will she succeed in returning love and light to Earth, or will humanity be subjected to another thousand years of darkness?

"I love you," he said.

His words conjured terror in her heart. The blaring sounds of the loudspeakers and the edict against love and sex repeated in her mind. If anyone ever found out they loved each other…No. She could not allow herself to love this man, no matter what. They would never survive. She sat straight up in bed, pushing him away. "No, no, you can't! You'll get us both killed!"

He brushed his hand tenderly through her hair, and laughed. "What do you think they would do to us if they knew you were here with me now, in my arms, naked in my bed?"

"I know, I know, but still. You shouldn't say that."

He held her close. "I can't help my feelings, Myra. I've loved you since the first time I laid eyes on you, out on the Production Line. You were so beautiful, kind and caring, so concerned with my well-being."

Myra pushed him away, jumped from his bed, and started dressing as quickly as possible. "I remember what you said to me the first time we met, Cecil. I care too much about you to allow this to go any further. It's too dangerous. I'm sorry I came here tonight. I shouldn't have. It was selfish. I wasn't thinking about the consequences, or what might happen to you. I'm so sorry!" She put on her coat and moved toward the door.

Cecil walked toward her. "Wait. I wanted you tonight, Myra. I called you here with my mind and you answered. Don't you understand? It's a sign."

Myra had to admit the bond she shared with Cecil was inexplicable. She heard him whisper in her mind throughout the day, she imagined his touch, couldn't wait to be with him again. "I agree we do have a connection."

Cecil took a step closer, towering over her. He held out his hand. "Then what are you afraid of?"

She slowly scanned his face, his thick muscular neck, shoulders and chest. Perfect abs rippled over his triangular torso, his thin waist framed the most perfectly formed buttocks she ever saw. "Cecil, you look magnificent, better than this afternoon."

"I know." He smiled. "I think it's because of this..." Cecil ran his hands over her hips.

"What? The food?"

He laughed. "No, you!"


"Your love is saving me, Myra. You bring the life force back into my body, mind and spirit."

She laughed. "I think the steak is saving you, Cecil, not me."

"No, I think it's both." Cecil released her and walked over to his bedside table, removing a silver cover from a dish. A half eaten piece of dark brown meat sat in the center of a white dish. "You are part of it, Myra, but I have to admit the steak…it's saving my life."

"Is that steak? I've never seen it before. I've only read about it in books."

Cecil cut a piece of the brown meat with a knife and walked toward her. "Yes. I saved some for you. Here."

She shook her head. "Oh no, Cecil. I can't take that from you. It's obvious you need it to live."

He shrugged, ate the bite himself, then cut off another slice, stabbed it with his fork and ran the meat directly under her nose "Please, try it."

Something strange happened. Myra felt the same tingling sensations she'd had only moments earlier when Cecil explored her. "My goodness, that smells wonderful."

Cecil noticed her nipples grew erect from the scent and he ran appreciative fingers over them. "I can tell you like it. Now here, have some."

Myra shook her head. Nothing ever felt so good before. It must be wrong. "What is happening to me, Cecil? I don't understand what you're doing to me."

Cecil ran the steak over her bare chest in a thrilling exchange. "Myra, you know you want it, so go ahead. Eat! Suck on it!"

As difficult as it was to resist, she pushed it away. "No Cecil. I can't. You need every mouthful you can get."

Cecil took the steak between his teeth and walked closer to her. "Don't you want it?" he asked again, wafting the meat in front of her nose as he barred down on it with his teeth.

Her nipples hardened. Her mouth watered. "What's happening to me?"

"Do you want it?" he teased.

"I want it. Yes, I want it!"

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Tags: Adult, Erotic Romance, Futuristic, Science Fiction