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Published by: eXtasy Books

Author : Viola Grace

ISBN :978-1-55487-585-6

Page :80

Word Count :20000

Publication Date :2010-08-16

Series : #

Heat Level :

Available Formats : Imperfect (pdf) , Imperfect (prc) , Imperfect (epub) , Imperfect (mobi)

Category : Erotic Romance , Paranormal Romance

  • Product Code: 978-1-55487-585-6

Illora doesn't want to be anyone's pet, but instead of merely being a bride, finds herself an imperfect Prime in the arms of a man she could never imagine.

Illora has been through a lot and is looking forward to a solitary retirement. All she needs to do is to get past the selection process in the Lorahan seralgio for three more days and she is home free. The Prefect of Lorahan wants Illora and her successful efforts to dodge the selection process has turned him ashen with fury and parts of him blue. He concocts a plan to trap her with her own honesty and the race is on to make her his before the Alliance comes to retrieve her. He must fight his urge to be forthright and deliberately manipulate her into the position as his wife. Let's hope they both survive the process.

"Illora, you have dodged me for quite some time. It was rather ingenious of you, but when Nikolay told me of your impending release, I was forced to act. I am sorry for drugging you, but you put me in an awkward position."

Now that he had her caged, he wandered around his room, pouring glasses of water and bringing her one.

Calmly, she poured the liquid on his feet.

To his credit, he didn't shout or jump away, merely put his glass down on a table and got her another drink. This one she took and flicked into his face.

His jaw flexed threateningly and his eyes glowed a bright garnet. Kai Miron took her empty glass, placed it on the low table and handed her his. When she took this glass, he moved quickly. One hand cupped her jaw, forcing it open and the other held her hand in place and poured the water down her throat.

Choking and spluttering, it was swallow or drown. As soon as the glass was empty, he let her go.

"Are you going to ask me more questions?" Illora backed away as far as the walls of the room would allow.

He scowled. Even damp, he was striking. "No, the truth serum I gave you needs to be flushed out or there will be side effects. You didn't seem particularly receptive to anything I was going to say."

She opened and closed her mouth several times. "You are right. I am not receptive."

Nodding, he lowered himself into a large leather chair. "I suspected as much. Have a seat, the secondary effects of the first drug will begin to manifest shortly."

A cold spill of fear ran down her spine. "What effects?"

"Inhibition removers. I have been able to feel your attraction to me, but also your restraint. The restraint will soon be gone and we can see how deep the attraction goes."

The double entendre of his words made her flinch. It went all the way to her core.

Despite the caution that ripped through her every time she saw him, the feminine awareness that was tripping beside it was undeniable. This was very bad.

There were several couches in a conversational arrangement several feet away from the set of masculine chairs where he was sitting, so she scooted onto a couch as far from him as she could manage. "That is cheating."

"What choice did you leave me? You cheated the selection scanner. I couldn't find a way to choose you and I have been trying for two months."

Two months. Three months ago, he had joined her selection of gaming guards, demanding the most challenging game she had. Kai Miron loved chess and not just because he invariably won. Part of him liked sparring with her. It was a tiny battle of attack and retreat and until this moment, she hadn't even realized what she had been playing at.


"Yes, oh. To keep you here, I have to take you as my bride and that involves us confirming emotional compatibility before an audience and sexual compatibility in private." His lips twitched and he shifted.

With some surprise, she noticed his erection for the first time. It was straining at the confines of his midnight trousers and it brought home her situation.

"You could simply let me be taken back to the Alliance, sterilized and set free on some quiet world."

At the mention of sterilization, his brows snapped together. "No. You will be happy here or you can take it out of my hide."

She blinked at the order. A small laugh broke from her throat. "Are you serious?"

"I am. The women who are sent here are treasured. The more I worked at learning about you, the more I was convinced that you were finally the right female for me."

"How many women have you gone through?" She knew of at least two dozen who had been selected since she arrived.

"In the last three months, all selected women have gone directly to some of the other males who are waiting their turn for a female of their own." Kai Miron, Prefect of Lorahan, drummed his fingers on the arm of his chair.

"Seriously? Why not petition the Alliance for brides?" She was feeling decidedly relaxed.

"They are sending us willing women as they find them. Only the imperfect are considered."

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