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Steampunk Erotica

Published by: eXtasy Books

Author : Ora Le Brocq

ISBN :978-1-55487-575-7

Page :208

Word Count :42285

Publication Date :2011-06-19

Series : Steampunk Erotica#1

Heat Level :

Available Formats : Steampunk Erotica (pdf) , Steampunk Erotica (prc) , Steampunk Erotica (epub) , Steampunk Erotica (mobi)

Category : Erotica , Mainstream Fiction , Science Fiction , LGBTQIA+

  • Product Code: 978-1-55487-575-7

WARNING: group sex scene and female homerotica scene In an alternative past, where modern technology exists with Victorian values, Mina Trelawney is caught between demure social convention and the desire to live her life to her full sexual and personal potential. When her parents are murdered by a madman who plans to rule the country, Mina finds her potential stretched to the limit as she battles the chilling schemes and philosophy of Baron von Vesey. In the fight to the death, who will live to create the future? Will Mina's individuality or the baron's desire for mass conformity and oppression triumph? And what role does the mysterious alliance play in the baron's life? Victorian innovation wedded to high technology. Diabolical masterminds, derring-do and sexual experimentation combine in a new type of adventure: Steampunk Erotica.

 Holcombe shivered and pedalled faster, increasing the heat of the water. Finally, he had a warm shower and he reached for the soap and began soaping himself down. He was filthy after spending the day in the factory, moving bodies and debris and it took some time before his lean, muscled frame was clean. The noise of the pump and the drumming of the water in the tin bath meant that Holcombe didn't hear the door to his chamber open. It was only when he finished showering and turned around that he saw Mina standing in the doorway of the bathroom, looking at him with an angry expression on her face.

Despite his surprise, Holcombe's face betrayed little. He reached for a towel and covered himself. "Yes, Lady Trelawney?"

"Lady Trelawney?" snapped Mina. "You used to call me by my first name."

"Things have changed," replied Holcombe, who knew of the minefield that was social niceties and rank in modern Britain.

"Not with me," retorted Mina as she strode back into Holcombe's bedchamber.

He followed, pulling on a dressing gown.

"We're going to rebuild and have the company back the way it was. Is that understood?"

"Perfectly," snapped Holcombe, his blank face momentarily breaking under the pressure of the day and in being spoken to in such a brusque manner. He and Mina had always got on very well in the past.

"Good," said Mina, looking away from him. Her mind was churning with the day's events and with seeing Holcombe's attractive body in the shower. She felt that she was somehow betraying the dead in having a reaction to his physical beauty and this made her feel even angrier toward the world. "We'll start early. I don't want to waste any time."

"Fine," snarled Holcombe, his eyes red rimmed.

"Have you got a problem?" demanded Mina, swinging round to look at him.

"A problem?" echoed Holcombe in disbelief. "My friends have been slaughtered, the business may not survive, your uncle treats us like dirt and you're acting exactly the same way that he does."

"How dare you say that?" hissed Mina, her dark eyes flashing and turning almost black.

"Because it's the truth," snapped Holcombe. "If you don't like it, you can give me the sack. That's what your sort does, isn't it, whenever anyone talks out of turn? Just get rid of them and to hell with decency."

Mina strode forward and slapped Holcombe, her face breaking with fury and grief.

Holcombe shoved her back with a snarl. Mina flew at him, her hands outstretched, and began pummelling at his body. Holcombe flung her round, his size and strength giving him the advantage as Mina wasn't fighting with precision but was instead flinging wild, grief-laden punches, though the few that landed directly almost knocked the wind from his body.

Mina screamed in anger and pain as she lashed out, but Holcombe managed to grab her wrists and hold her tightly. Mina trembled violently as the horrors of the day washed over her and she lashed out with her foot, kicking against Holcombe, her uncle, the unknown killers of her parents and the whole, uncaring world.

Holcombe swore in pain and collapsed on the floor, dragging Mina down with him.

She landed on top of his body and felt his cock pressing through the thin material of her skirt.

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Tags: Mainstream, Science Fiction, Erotica, LGBTQIA