A Jack and Jill Invitation
Published by: eXtasy Books
Author : Allistar Parker
ISBN :00343
Page :44
Word Count :9776
Publication Date :2011-06-19
Series : #
Heat Level :
Available Formats : A Jack and Jill Invitation (mobi) , A Jack and Jill Invitation (pdf) , A Jack and Jill Invitation (prc) , A Jack and Jill Invitation.epub
Category : Erotica , Mainstream Fiction , Contemporary
- Product Code: 00343
Jack and Jill went up the hill to do what?
Of all the crazy things to happen, you never expect to find your neighbor staring at you while you are enjoying the delicate and intimate art of Jilling, but when a one night stand notices her neighbor watching them make love and the neighbor admits to watching her pleasuring herself, she wants revenge.
As a happy coincidence, Jennie happens upon a Jack and Jill club. Figuring that having a crowd watch him as he jacks off would be ample revenge, she offers Tommy redemption if he complies. Still infatuated with Jill, he has no choice but to go along.
…but the club holds more surprises than revenge.
He took her slowly, at first just snuggling her close to him. Embarrassed that this little bit of stimulation was exciting her, she tried to concentrate on the show, but Depp in a suit and glasses just wasn't as interesting as the learning all about the sensations a guy can give a girl with a simple touch. Finally, in a desperate attempt to end the charade of watching the show, she reached under his shirt and gently dragged a fingernail along his abdomen. When she found his bellybutton, she spiraled around the hole until her touch enticed a quiet moan from his mouth and his muscles to twitch. Reaching up to his lips, she planted a wet kiss on him.
Well, this boy can take a hint.
John rolled her onto his lap still embraced in a kiss. She loved the subtle poke she received from his dick as she settled in. Squirming a little brought the half-erect man to life.
"You feel so good, John."
He smiled.
For a woman in her late thirties, Jennie was quite untrained in the ways of pleasure. But she knew what she liked and that stroke he was giving her breast was delightful. Regretting the way she dressed for the evening, she hoped the pants wouldn't be a problem for John.
This isn't his first rodeo, she thought as John undid her bra with one hand on the first try. He's done this before. But she didn't protest. Soon after the bra popped loose, her shirt was on the floor and he had attached his lips to her nipple, licking and sucking them into an oh-so-good hurt that melted her into a quivering lump in his arms.
The little annoyance of the growing penis had become more than a little uncomfortable. Jennie had a better idea for that rising monster than to give her discomfort, she lifted herself from his grasp. Her nimble fingers slid the zipper down, allowing gravity to slide her pants to the floor, leaving only those cute little ruffled panties she had been saving for such a special occasion. The look in John's eyes convinced her she had chosen well, but when he pulled those panties over her hips and down the length of her legs, she knew he was a willing participant.
Instead of letting her flop down on his dick, he pulled her to his face. His tongue-work on her nipples was nothing compared to the lashing he was giving her clit. Darting in and out of her pussy, John assaulted her in ways she had never experienced. From the tip of her clitoris to the depths of her g-spot, he left no point untouched by his velvet tongue. Gaining speed and pressure with each trip around, John gave Jennie exactly what she was searching for.
By the fifth or sixth rotation, she knew either her body was going to come apart or she was going to be rocked by the best orgasm of her life. With her hips clinched and the muscles in her belly twitching in rhythm with his tongue, she let a small moan escape. She felt the dribble of a little fluid from her cunt roll down the inside of her thigh. This only caused John to lick faster. He was forcing the issue. She knew there was no compromise or escape to his work. Then it hit.
She tightened all of her muscles trying to hold on for a brief moment hoping that she would increase her intensity by slowing the process. There was no stopping this orgasm. The spasms rolled through her body, rumbling in her chest while increasing her heart's pounding to the point she knew John could hear it.
As the sensation reached its peak, she could utter nothing more than mere guttural sounds and fits of poor language. Surprised at the things exiting her mouth, Jennie collapsed onto his lap to allow her body to finish exhausting her, again finding the rock hard missile still trapped in his pants.
Can't have that. With sweat rolling down her back, and still panting from the last episode, the dainty girl got off his lap, knelt and began peeling his pants from his body—first the belt, then the trousers and last the tight-fitting jockeys that stretched under the strain of his dick. As John's balls fell free and tumbled to the couch, Jennie spied her first glimpse of the object of earlier discomfort. No wonder it hurt.
Jennie was conscience of her lack of training and experience in licking and sucking dick, but she wanted to give him the pleasure he had given her. She heard that guys really like blowjobs, but she and Bob just never entertained the possibilities of oral pleasures. Whatever she had to offer would only be a blind chance of her own thoughts and imagination. Hopefully, she wouldn't mess it up.
How hard can this be? It's just a few licks, some sucks and praying you don't gag in the process.
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Tags: Contemporary, erotica