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Lost Lore

Published by: eXtasy Books

Author : Aurora Jamison

ISBN :978-1-55410-807-7

Page :226

Word Count :56500

Publication Date :2010-08-16

Series : #

Heat Level :

Available Formats : Lost Lore (pdf) , Lost Lore (prc) , Lost Lore (epub) , Lost Lore (mobi)

Category : Erotica , Paranormal , Science Fiction , Fantasy

  • Product Code: 978-1-55410-807-7

It is hard enough to love a man. Lorien Hudson finds it even more difficult to love a man who changes into a centaur. More than betrayal and magical creatures, she finds a world where trust--and love--transcend shape and humanity.

Lorien is lost, not only in time and space but also in love. Things changed suddenly for Lorien Hudson. A spooky old mansion lit by lightning becomes a jungle filled with exotic plants and creatures beyond her imagination. Strangest of all is Jerro, usually a handsome man--until the triple moons rise in the sky. Shapeshifting into a centaur, Jerro leads Lorien into high adventure and . . . forbidden love.

Lorien struggled, but the harder she fought the tighter the vines wrapped around her wrists and ankles.

"No," the man said, "do not fight against them. Go limp."

"Easy for you to say," she shot back. But Lorien closed her eyes and tensed all her muscles, then consciously relaxed everything that felt tight. The vines stopped pulling her arms and legs off, but they did not relax enough for her to escape.

"I will do what I can to get you free."

"Thanks for nothing." She opened her eyes and looked around. She caught sight of the man out of the corner of her eye. In spite of the circumstances, she felt a thrill of desire pass through her. She sucked in a deep breath, sneezed at the dust she inhaled and then wondered at how powerfully she responded sexually to a man she didn't even know.

He was nothing less than a god chiseled from bronze. His arms and chest were sheened with sweat as he fought the green tendrils, causing his muscles to stand out in bold relief. The sight of such power made her go weak--and turned her damp between the legs. Lorien's heart raced as she craned her neck around to get a better look at him. His legs were thickly muscled and sleek. But it was his broad, hairy chest that she kept coming back to. How powerful! And he was actually winning free from the wines that held him.

"Go on, do it," she said breathlessly. Her bright emerald eyes widened when she saw how his muscles bulged as he pulled with increasing force against the bindings on his wrists and legs. But more than his strength caught her eye. The effort to get free caused his loincloth to flap about. Lorien had never seen a man with equipment like this!

"Aieee!" he cried. She heard a snapping sound as the vines popped free of their bushes. He had uprooted one and tore the vine free from another, giving him enough room to move and rip the other two off his still captured arm and leg.

"Way to go!" Lorien cheered.

"One moment," the man said. Lorien tensed when she heard him moving behind her where she couldn't see him, but his musky scent set her heart racing even faster and the light touch of his fingers along her arms caused her to gasp. She was uptight and how she wanted him to take her while she hung helpless! To move behind her, to take her up the ass, to fuck her and. . . . "I'm not hurting you, am I?"

"N-no," she said, confused. The thoughts that raced through her head were so completely unlike her that she had no idea what caused them. Not that he wasn't handsome. He was. So strong and she wanted him to fuck her from behind so hard that. . . .

She sucked in a deep breath and again sneezed. What a time to get an allergy attack!

"Don't stop." She was not sure what she was telling him to do. Lorien was not even sure she knew what she wanted him to do while she was dangling spread-eagle from the vines, exposed and helpless to his probing cock. . . .

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Tags: Adult, BDSM, Bondage, Erotica, Fantasy, Science Fiction, Shapeshifter, Time Travel