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It All Leads To This

Published by: eXtasy Books

Author : Tessa Brookfield

ISBN :978-1-4874-0020-0

Page :199

Word Count :57809

Publication Date :2014-08-11

Series : #

Heat Level :

Available Formats : It All Leads To This (pdf) , It All Leads To This (prc) , It All Leads To This (epub) , It All Leads To This (mobi)

Category : Contemporary Romance , Erotic Romance

  • Product Code: 978-1-4874-0020-0

When the darkened path leads you to where you are meant to be.

Shattered by a past of terrible choices and mistakes, Hailey Deegan is forced to live a life filled with guilt for all she has done. Embracing the second chance she has been given, which she doesn’t feel she deserves, Hailey is determined to right all the wrongs and make a better life for herself.

Learning to love again, not only herself, but Adam Kipple, a man who helps her to believe in herself again, seems an impossible feat.

Hailey’s hopes and dreams are finally within reach, no longer a haze in the distance, until her world comes crumbling down when her present collides with her past.

Hailey is forced to relive the secrets of her past she so desperately wants to forget. Everything she has ever done has been for one reason, and one reason only. With her past jeopardizing the future she is fighting for, Hailey is forced to dig deep to find the strength to overcome what she now must face.

The sound of the door closing, alerted me to Adam’s return. I threw myself into his arms—shocking the shit out of myself.

 He seemed stunned at first, and then wrapped his arms around me.

The excitement and joy I was feeling quickly turned to desire as my brain started processing the smell of his cologne, the feel of his body pressed against mine and the feel of his strong arms embracing me. I quickly pulled myself off him, “I’m sorry. I’m just a little excited.”

“There’s nothing to be sorry for. I think this calls for a celebration. Would you allow me to take you to dinner?”

“Yes, I will have dinner with you.” My excitement had masked my inhibitions about what I’d just allowed myself to feel while in his arms.

It was near impossible not to make eye contact with Christine as we walked around the corner.

“Chris, I’m leaving for the night, and I don’t wish to be disturbed.”

Holy shit! Did he really just say that? 

A forced smile crossed her face that almost looked painful, confirming to me that indeed they had slept together. The question was, when did it end or has it ended? Now wasn’t the time to get into that conversation with him, and besides it really wasn’t any of my business.

“Yes.” Was all she managed to say.

Adam placed his hand on the small of my back steering me towards the elevators. The touch of his hand on my back caused my guard to dissipate, leaving me vulnerable to the powerful pull that was drawing me to him.


A digital sound echoed through the parking garage at the push of a button on his key.

 I looked around, searching for lit headlights that would tell me which car was his. Feeling rather intimidated, once again, when I spotted a sleek black sports car with its lights lit in the back corner spot.

Adam opened the door for me, and I climbed in. My heart was racing, my palms were sweaty and my breathing was labored. Please don’t throw up, please don’t throw up.

The feeling of nausea didn’t last long, and I found myself trying to contain my giddiness from my disbelief of how well the meeting had gone as we entered through the frosted glass doors of an exquisite French Bistro that only those with deep pockets could afford to dine at. It was a place that I didn’t belong in, nor did I possess the elegance or required etiquette mannerisms demanded by an establishment such as this.

“Bonjour, Monsieur. Table for two?” A lean gentleman wearing a black suit stood upright with his hands folded in front of him.

“Yes, please.”

“Right this way.”

Adam placed his hand on the small of my back, once again, steering me to follow the host. I was acutely aware of the other patron’s gazes as we walked by—no doubt wondering what a man like Adam was doing with someone like me.

I felt a little less intimated when we were seated at our table that was located in the back corner. The table was covered with fine white linings, two place settings, and had far too much silverware than I thought was necessary. A candle was lit in a round, satin, crystal holder and black, linen napkins were perfectly folded into something resembling a teepee. They were shoved into crystal, long stemmed glasses. The lighting was dim and soft music played in the background.

“You okay, Hailey?” he asked as he pinched the linen teepee between his fingers, picking it up, and gently snapping it open with a flick of his wrist forcing the tucked edges to release, before laying it across his lap. He had obviously picked up on my discomfort which confirmed my failed attempt at containing it.

“I’ve never been to a place quite this posh before, and it was a little overwhelming with people looking at us as we walked in. It made me a bit uncomfortable.”

His eyes narrowed slightly as he grazed his bottom lip with the tip of his thumb while looking at me. It was like he was trying to figure me out.

“You really don’t know how beautiful you are? Do you?”

I grabbed my napkin which allowed me to discreetly look away.

“Hailey, I want you to feel comfortable around me.”

“I do, I mean, I’m trying to.”

“If you haven’t figured it out already, I like you.”

“Adam, this is just all so new to me.” It was scaring me how effortlessly it was becoming to talk to him, and I hated to admit it, but he had some kind of effect on me, in a good way. I couldn’t explain it.

“We’re from different places, Adam. You’re so different from what I know. We’re two totally different people. You’re a successful, confident businessman and I…I can barely make rent some months. Come on, up until today I cleaned your office for God sake.”


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Tags: Adult, Contemporary, Erotic Romance, Suspense