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Pirate by Parrot

Published by: eXtasy Books

Author : Viola Grace

ISBN :978-1-4874-4301-6

Page :0

Word Count :0

Publication Date :2025-03-10

Series : Terran Reset#9

Heat Level :

Available Formats :

Category : Fantasy Romance , Science Fiction Romance , What's New

Mel wanted to live, and a new start in space was great as long as she could bring her parrot along with her. The avatar said yes, and parrot in space was a go.

Mel was dying by inches and wasn’t having fun. Her brother was dead, her niece was trying to take care of things, and her brother’s parrot was cursing a blue streak.

Leaving Earth for a reset sounded simple, but she was too large for the canisters and had to be launched across space in a separate ship, still growing. She goes through three species who want her genetics, but the first two drop out, and finally, she wakes up on a space station with gravity so strong she can barely stand up.

Mel meets the station, watches her parrot enjoy the heavy-gravity flight and tries to get a handle on what happens next when no one will tell her what is going on.

She takes a new friend home, heads back to her shuttle, and accidentally sparks an incident that puts a price on her head but helps her gain perspective. Mel has a place in the stars, and she is finding it.

Mel looked to her left as she moved slowly into the gazebo, where her guest was already seated. “Why don’t you just die already?”

Marco squawked, “Why don’t you just die already?

Mel grinned. “I am trying; I am trying.” She coughed as she laughed. Bloody flecks were caught in a tissue and stuffed into her pocket with the others.

“I would shake your hand, but mine is gross. So, what can I do for you?”

“Do you remember signing up for the Volunteer Project a few decades ago?”

Mel nodded and coughed into a fresh tissue. She wheezed. “Yeah. That ship sailed with a thud.”

“What would you say if I offered you another chance? We have need of people like you for specific assignments.”

“I am not going to last long enough to get out of the atmosphere, let alone into deep space.” She pressed her teeth together as she chuckled, and Marco chortled.

“I am sorry for not introducing myself. I am Minerva-Gaia. I am currently running the Volunteer Program. Well, we are referring to it as the Terran Reset Program for now. We need you for a very specific assignment on a very specific world.”

She sipped at the water glass that her niece had brought out. “You like the word specific.”

Minerva grinned and rubbed the back of her neck. “We need you. Your genetic makeup will be ideal for being remade into a young, healthy giantess.”

Mel paused. “What the actual fuck? I am already six foot two with emphysema and lung cancer.”


“Waitressing. I had to wade through the smoke day after day with no reprieve. They could have a cigarette and leave, but I was stuck as dozens of smokers lit up at the same time.”

Minerva nodded. “I understand, but your life expectancy has pushed you to the front of the line for urgency, so we contacted your match, and they are willing to take possession of you as soon as possible.

“Wait. Match? Are you running a mail-order bride service?” She laughed, and Marco chuckled along.

“Yes, and no. We are using tech that can rebuild you and reset your biological clock in an effort to build ties with worlds we would otherwise have no chance with. One lady is fireproof; another has strength that would be the envy of any comic book hero.”

“And I am to be a giant if I agree?”

“Your genes predispose you to height; we just have to build up the mass and get you ready for a new gravity.”

“More gravity?”


“Oh, so... less gravity, more height? Interesting.”

Minerva smiled and said, “As I was saying, your illness would be eradicated and your lungs made whole again. You would be younger, taller, and given all the energy and dexterity of youth. Getting used to your new dimensions would be accounted for, and your new wardrobe would fit your new body. A financial arrangement would be set up so that at no time will you feel obligated to your new intimate situation, but you would be required to pick a partner from your new world. The idea is to check to see if altered Terran genetics are strong enough to carry on a new line.”

“Wow. Just putting it out there. So, why me?”

“Why me? Why me? Whiney beggar.”

Mel looked at the bird. “What do you know? As soon as I am gone, they are going to put your patchy ass to sleep.”

He squawked and flapped at her. “Mouthy bitch!”

She grinned, and Minerva stared. “That’s your bird?”

“It was my brother’s. He’s passed, and his kids don’t want poor Marco.” She smiled and sighed. “He used to ride on my shoulder, but since the coughing has kicked up, it freaks him out.”

Minerva looked thoughtful. “What if you could take your bird?”

Mel stared. “What?”

“You could take him with you. He would be reworked and given a new lease on life so that you wouldn’t be out there alone.”

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Tags: Viola Grace, pirates, parrot, pirate by parrot, science fiction, fantasy