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Angel's Redemption

Published by: eXtasy Books

Author : Andi Anderson

ISBN :978-1-4874-0521-2

Page :139

Word Count :42711

Publication Date :2021-07-01

Series : Men Of Charlestown#4

Heat Level :

Available Formats : Angel's Redemption (pdf) , Angel's Redemption (prc) , Angel's Redemption (epub) , Angel's Redemption (mobi)

Category : Contemporary Romance , LGBTQIA+ Romance , Romance

  • Product Code: 978-1-4874-0521-2

A lonely accountant's life changes when he meets his next door neighbor, but when past hurts and secrets are revealed, will they be able to look forward to a future together?

When Jackson's partner died, he was convinced his life was over. For the past four years, he's managed to exist through his everyday life, without really living it. When he meets his new neighbor, Elijah, he's disturbed by the attraction he feels toward the younger man. As time goes by and as a friendship develops between them, Jackson begins to realize the friendship he feels toward Elijah is changing into a deep love that he cannot deny. But there is more to Elijah than meets the eye. Beneath his sweet demeanor lies pain from a mysterious, troubled past. When Elijah finally reveals his secrets, will Jackson be able to look past his former life and build a future with him?

"You must be my new neighbor. I'm Jackson Edwards, but you can call me Jack or Jackson…or whatever you want." He fought the urge to cringe at his endless rambling. Jackson silently told himself to get a grip as he offered his hand to the younger man with what Jackson hoped was a friendly smile on his face.

The young man looked at his hand and slowly back at Shep. He stopped petting the happy dog and stood up. Those amazing eyes looked from Jackson's hand and traveled slowly up his arm, to his face until they met his own. Those golden brown eyes sparkled as a brilliant smile crossed the young man's face.

My god, he's abso-fucking-lutely breathtaking.

"Hi, Jackson. I'm Elijah Patterson. It's nice to meet you."

Elijah extended his small hand and grabbed Jackson's in a surprisingly firm handshake, then he quickly let go, leaned back over the fence and started patting Shep again on the head.

"That incorrigible dog is Shep." Jackson grinned as Shep jumped up and put his front paws on the top of the fence so Elijah could scratch him better.

Lucky Shep.

"Nice to meet you, Shep. I can see that we're going to be great friends." Elijah cooed to the dog as he continued to stroke his soft fur.

Jackson had never been so jealous of a Shep in all of his life.

"When did you move in?" Once again, he had the privilege to look into those sparkling eyes as Elijah looked up and gave him another sweet smile.

"Last week."

No wonder he didn't notice Elijah moving in next door. Jackson had been out of town for his cousin's wedding last weekend. Although, he had enjoyed the wedding, he bet he would've even had more enjoyment watching Elijah carry boxes into his house. Just the thought of his new sexy neighbor getting hot and sweaty as he moved in on that particular hot summer's day, made him want to break out in a sweat himself, despite the unusually cool August morning.

What was it about this young man that affected him so?

"How long have you lived here?" Elijah asked, as he slid his hands down into the front of his jeans pockets.

"We moved in about seven years ago."

Elijah's eyes seemed to lose some their sparkle.

"Oh? How long have you been married, Jackson?"

Jackson shook his head. "Not married. My partner Ben and I bought this house together. He passed away four years ago."

A look of sympathy crossed over Elijah's beautiful face. "I'm sorry for your loss, Jackson."

"Thank you."

Elijah's golden brown eyes looked over his face as if he was memorizing every line and curve of it. Although it was somewhat unnerving, Jackson's cock stirred with his boxers with interest.

Jackson was shocked. He'd not been attracted to anyone since Ben's death. Now suddenly this gorgeous sprite was starting to awaken his long buried desires.

Just thinking of being with someone else besides Ben made him uncomfortable. Resolutely, he inwardly told himself that it was really nothing and tried to shake it off.

"I was about to go inside and fix myself some breakfast. Would you like to join me?" Jackson asked. He was surprised that he suddenly wanted to enjoy more of this young man's company. Ever since Ben's death, people had accused him of being unsociable and he knew it to be true. He really didn't think that Elijah would want to hang around with a middle-aged man like himself, but it never hurt to ask.

The young man's amazing eyes narrowed slightly as he glanced from Jackson to Shep and back again.

"If you can't I understand…" Jackson began, but Elijah raised his hand up as if to ward whatever he was about to say and Elijah nodded his head.

"I would love to have breakfast with you, Jackson."

He felt a wave of relief wash over him as he grinned down into Elijah's welcoming face. Elijah's expression soon became mischievous, as he backed up a few steps, then ran and hurdled over the chain length fence into Jackson's yard and landed lightly on his feet. Shep started bouncing and jumping around Elijah, obviously impressed at his new friend's unexpected move.

Shep wasn't the only one.

As Jackson watched him bend over to pat his dog, his eyes traveled over Elijah's toned, well rounded ass.

I'm in so much trouble. He thought.

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Tags: Contemporary, Romance, Gay, GLBT