Security Issues
Published by: eXtasy Books
Author : Morgan Hawke
ISBN :978-1-4874-4291-0
Page :70
Word Count :20000
Publication Date :2025-01-16
Series : #
Heat Level :
Available Formats :
Category : LGBTQIA+ , BDSM , What's New
- BrandsExtasy Books
- Product Code: 978-1-4874-4291-0
Available at all Amazon outlets. Amazon USA click here:
Rory has a rather intimidating
personal problem: Teradyne Corporation’s chief of security, Jin. Despite his
attraction to the dark-haired elite, Rory knows better than to get involved
with someone whose first love is their Job. Unfortunately, Jin doesn’t seem to
want to take ‘no’ for an answer.
The large, airy boardroom of Arrington, Architectural and Engineering was the only room in the entire building that didn’t look like it was about to fall into ruin. That in itself was impressive, considering the revolutionary war for planetary independence that had just ended. There was moderately fresh paint on the soft blue walls and fairly new gold carpet. The long black marble meeting table wasn’t scratched or chipped, and all twenty leather chairs were present and accounted for. Best of all, the room had fully functional air conditioning.
Unlike the basement of Rory’s two-bedroom cottage on the other side of town.
Strapped into his leather and chrome control chair and wired within an inch of his life, Rory ignored the sweat trickling down the side of his face. His attention was entirely focused on the sensations and images being fed directly into his nervous system through the wires attached all over his body. He lifted his gloved hands and spoke.
Across town, seated at the head of the long black marble table in the AA&E board room, a perfect replica of Rory followed the motions of the robotics specialist’s hands to lift a document and replied to the question that had been posed. “Yes, I do feel that explosive demolition is the right way to deal with those Imperial subterranean military labs.” The Imperial bastards had specialized in human experimentation. “We are recovering what can be recovered…” The stuff that couldn’t be used to replicate said experiments. “But everything that cannot be dismantled and moved is far safer under several tons of rock.” Understatement of the year. Really.
The gray-suited, gray-haired, and corpulent executive waved his hand in the replica’s general direction. “But, administrator, what about all that valuable equipment?”
The Rory replica scowled briefly, then smoothed his expression to one of polite concern. “If you will look at document sixteen-b, you will find a list of what has been salvaged versus what has not.” Minus a few things that no one needed to know existed—ever.
The balding executive shuffled through his papers.
“Now then…” Rory’s replica smiled and slid his scattered files and papers together. “According to the reports I received this morning, the Culvert Town hydroelectric plant is fully operational.” He looked down and tapped a finger on the document at the top of the pile. “And according to my sources, three more hydroelectric plants are about to go into full operation in less than seven days.” He looked toward the foot of the long table. “Care to elaborate, President Teradyne?”
Dressed in an immaculate white suit, Christophe Teradyne, president and CEO of Teradyne Corporation, smiled. His sleek white-blond hair gleamed in the understated lighting, and his eyes creased at the corners, giving his ice-blue gaze the illusion of friendly warmth.
One wouldn’t think that sugar would melt in his mouth.
However, the frightening truth was that he was currently the colony world’s most powerful and influential man. Teradyne Corp. was the only company that provided electricity in the world—all two cities and seventeen towns of it. That he employed and trained top-notch assassins…ahem, security specialists to protect his assets went without saying.
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Tags: Morgan Hawke, security issues, bdsm, bondage, LGBTQ, gay romance, erotica