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Great Dane

Published by: eXtasy Books

Author : Dee Brice

ISBN :978-1-55487-758-4

Page :48

Word Count :13323

Publication Date :2011-02-14

Series : Sensuous Seasonings#2

Heat Level :

Available Formats : Great Dane (epub) , Great Dane (mobi) , Great Dane (prc) , Great Dane (pdf)

Category : Contemporary Romance , Erotic Romance

  • Product Code: 978-1-55487-758-4

All the female cheerleaders and the basketball team called him Great Dane. And they weren't referring to his prowess on the court.

All the female cheerleaders and the basketball team called him Great Dane. And they weren’t referring to his prowess on the court. Jennifer Martin didn’t care about his playboy reputation. On her eighteenth birthday, she gave her love and virginity to Dane Derrick Davidson. After a summer of hot sex, he broke her heart, leaving without even saying goodbye. Ten years later, he’s back for her birthday. When he was twenty-five, Dane knew he had no right to seduce his best friend’s younger sister. But he selfishly wanted her first time to be with him. He knew he had to leave her, let her grow up and decide from a more mature perspective whether he was more than a teenage crush. Now he’s back, determined to rekindle her love for him—even if he has to tie her to his bed and feed her all her favorite fruits to convince her. Does he want another summer of sex? Or this time will he stay forever?

Of the three lover’s Jen had had in her life, only Dane deserved wholehearted praise. And the nickname Greg and his friends had given him, Jen amended. Great Dane suited him—and his cock—to perfection. Or maybe she agreed only because Dane had been her first lover. On her eighteenth birthday.

Grimacing at the memory, shrugging it away, she stepped into the shower and adjusted the water temperature. The cool sting of needle-like spray eased the frustration from her scalp and shoulders—at best a temporary respite.

The last time she and Dane had made love—had sex, she reminded herself ruthlessly—was in this shower. Seeming unperturbed by the feminine scent of her lavender soap, he’d covered her breasts with his large, long-fingered hands and stroked her nipples to rigid peaks. Unable to recall his words, she remembered his voice in her ear, low and gravelly. His breath felt hot along her throat. His hands glided down her body, parting her trembling thighs with light caresses. His fingers teased her clit then, endless moments later, eased into her pussy. Wave after wave of pleasure rolling over her, she felt his cock—rigid and throbbing—between her buttocks. Bracing her against the tile wall, he entered her from behind. The exquisite pressure of his fingers on her nipples, on her clit, of his cock ramming in and out, of his voice praising her tightness and juicy heat, had brought her to a screaming climax.

He released her, turned her in his arms and drove into her again. She remembered his words. “Wrap your legs around me.” She did. “I want to see your face when I make you come.” And finally, “Say the words, Jen.”

Afraid he would leave her on the sharp edge of need, she whimpered, “Fuck me, Dane. Fuck me hard.”

His smile feral, his hands tightening on her ass, he took them over the edge of sanity into beautiful chaos.

Now, her body remembered and longed for that moment. Brushing impatiently at her eyes, she willed away the memories and her tears. The next time she decided to satisfy her own sexual needs, she wouldn’t do it in this room or this house. And, she vowed, she wouldn’t imagine Dane anywhere near her.

Slicking wet hair out of her eyes, she left the shower and groped for her towel. Her searching fingers found flesh. Naked, hairy, muscled flesh. Yelping, backing away, she opened her eyes and squelched a shriek.

As if her memories had summoned him, Dane stood before her, her towel dangling from his long fingers. Behind that thick velour, held negligently at his waist, something pulsed the fabric. She knew what, but thought, Disgusting, her juices seeping, readying her for his penetration. She didn’t know if she found his erection or her body’s reaction disgusting.

She snatched the towel to her breasts. Turning her back to hide the blush flooding her entire body, secreting her puckered nipples, she wrapped the towel around her like a sarong and took a deep breath for courage.

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Tags: Adult, Contemporary, Erotic Romance