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From the Past

Published by: eXtasy Books

Author : Liberty Stafford

ISBN :978-1-55487-571-9

Page :130

Word Count :24874

Publication Date :2011-06-19

Series : Star Fighters#2

Heat Level :

Available Formats : From the Past (pdf) , From the Past (prc) , From the Past (epub) , From the Past (mobi)

Category : Erotic Romance

  • Product Code: 978-1-55487-571-9

Haven't you always been told it's the quiet ones you need to watch?

Self-esteem has never been a strong point for bounty hunter Hughes or orphaned trainee hunter Kim. His anger issues and her problems with trust make them a less than perfect pair. Even so, Star Fighters boss, Hudson Brody, teams them up. Their first mission takes them to the hedonistic planet Yunia. Sun, sand and setbacks await them in paradise as Kim sets out to ensnare her first bad boy, championship surfer Zac Wilde. He used to be her childhood hero. Will Kim be able to cope in this tough new world? Will Hughes help her or will his anger distract him? In addition, a lone female figure, dark and dangerous, is running amok on the jungle planet Survia. Brody knows a secret about her and wants her caught. Danger lurks everywhere--will Kim's novice status allow her the success she craves?

Early the following day, they took up their position behind a tall sweeping sand dune, covered at its apex with thick, rippling grass. At the expected time, Zac arrived for his mud bath. His bodyguards took a quick scan of the area and departed, leaving him to pleasure himself, something they all pretended not to know about. Zac sunk down into the squelching liquid which popped and splattered against his face. He delved his searching hand down into the mud, stroking his length, allowing the heat to envelop his penis like a coating of hot and luscious chocolate.

Behind him, Zac heard a click. He stopped wanking. It sounded like a pistol. Hughes trained the red dot upon his forehead.

"Got you, you dirty bastard."

"Hey, man, don't I know you? From the beach the other day, right? Listen man, if those goons were too harsh, I understand. I'll teach your girl. No problem."

A bodyguard appeared unexpectedly from behind the dune. "Hey, you! What the hell are you doing?"

Before long, three other guards had appeared, one with a rifle. Hughes knew it was time to run. There were too many for just the two of them. He turned on his heel, sand making his departure sluggish.


* * * *


Kim heard them laughing from her hiding place. They didn't appear particularly concerned, apart from vowing to find him and kill him later, although she didn't think they sounded like they really meant it. Zac went back to his mud bath and the goons disappeared without even sweeping the area.

"Amateurs," Kim cursed them and returned to the hotel once the coast was clear.

She found Hughes there, perfectly calm, lying on his bed sipping jasmine tea.

"That was close," she shut the door, whispering.

"Never mind," he smiled complacently, "there are other ways to skin a rabbit."

"He's never alone. How do we get him without causing a scene?" Kim asked, but her answer was really right before her as Hughes began to assemble a sniper's rifle. "Hey, I never got training on that."

"This is something I brought with me from my pre-hunting days, it's not general bounty hunter weaponry."

"Careful." Kim smiled. "You might give something away. Listen, I've got an idea. I think I know how to get Zac alone."

"No, Kim, you're not to compromise yourself. Brody has agreed that Zac is my bounty. If you want to be a hunter, you must accept the discipline. I can see the springs from here. If I get a clear shot, I can stun him tomorrow. You're here to learn and assist, not arrest, understand?"

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Tags: Adult, Erotic Romance, Futuristic, Science Fiction