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Fierce Determination

Published by: eXtasy Books

Author : Tessa Brookfield

ISBN :978-1-4874-0436-9

Page :155

Word Count :44918

Publication Date :2015-05-13

Series : Letting Go#2

Heat Level :

Available Formats : Fierce Determination (mobi) , Fierce Determination (prc) , Fierce Determination (pdf) , Fierce Determination (epub)

Category : Contemporary Romance , Erotic Romance

  • Product Code: 978-1-4874-0436-9

Beliefs are questioned and faith is lost. Will the surprising actions of an unstable woman be enough to restore all that’s been lost?

One can never truly know the way others think and the control, if any, they have over their thoughts. Actions of others might seem bizarre and unfathomable, even impossible to understand, no matter how hard one tries. One might never know what inner demons lie within another and the burdens they must bear.

Tiffany struggles to find the balance between competing priorities. When she allows herself to be sucked into the enthralment of obtaining huge success for her business, she finds herself jeopardizing what is really important. Maybe it’s her escape from her lingering paranoia that Vicky will never truly be out of their lives, always being on edge, waiting for her to return and without fail, to wreak more havoc in their lives.

Blaise feels the full blow of Tiffany’s neglect, leaving them to travel down a bumpy road.

How close will Tiffany come to losing everything before she realizes what stands to be lost?

Are they strong enough to make it through the unforeseeable and unthinkable actions of a woman who will stop at nothing to get what she wants?

I could no longer ignore the mounting feelings of uneasiness that engulfed me. The truth—Blaise and I were drifting apart. We'd climbed some of the highest mountains to become what we were. We'd mourned the death of a remarkable man, Blaise's dad. We'd weathered the Vicky storm, and it appeared she was gone for good. Thank Christ! It'd been years since Blaise had her moved to the hospital in Boston and well over a year since Blaise was notified by the hospital that she'd been making great progress. The hospital told Blaise she was doing very well—sticking to her treatment and functioning on her own. I took that as she was managing to live a somewhat normal life, at least as normal as she was capable of living. I hoped she'd continue to seek the help she so desperately needed and would someday be able to live a real normal life. A life far away from us and a life free of her demons.

Blaise and I had built a beautiful life for ourselves, or so I thought. We had a beautiful home and what I considered to be a perfect family—Jade, an amazing girl I'd grown to consider my own, and Bryson, my sweet, sweet baby boy. Yup, million dollar family, on the surface.

I was on a career-obsessed high. It wasn't until after my meeting with Colton and my erroneous assumptions of his intentions toward me that I realized the bridge between me and Blaise was unsteady and might even have a gaping hole in it. It was nothing more than gratitude for my work and Colton being impressed with my presentation, but I'd jumped to conclusions and assumed it to be more. I struggled with the fact that maybe I made those assumptions because I wanted him to have made a pass at me. Everything seemed to be slipping away from me so fast, and maybe I was looking for a distraction, looking for a means of finding a spark that would pull me out of the slump I was in. It wasn't until saturating guilt took over, guilt for allowing myself to have those thoughts—it was then when I realized what I stood to lose. I stood to lose everything that I'd fought so hard to hang on to, and I wasn't going to let that happen. I knew I had to get my head screwed on straight and fix things between me and Blaise.

I don't know how we got there. I don't know how I got there. I feared somewhere along the line I became overly obsessed with the corporate rat race. I now understood Preston's obsession with his job and the sacrifices he was willing to make. I'd never understood it before, but now I did. Fueled by success and motivated to never settle, always wanting to grow bigger and become more powerful. I really understood it now. Like a drug, it became a high I had to have, so powerful that rational thoughts became clouded by the thrill of the corporate game. I needed to be at the top and needed to stay at the top. I was a woman on a mission, and failure was not an option.

I was on a slippery slope, I knew that much. The same slope that Preston must have stood upon. Although in his case, I don't think he stopped to consider where he was. The slope that once you start to slide there's no way back up, no means of undoing what you might do. A result of the gripping high that you ride, the high that comes from the power of being the one to make those money making decisions, the power to make big things happen. Everything rides on you and the decisions you make. Pure and simple, the feeling is exhilarating.

My gaze was drawn far in the distance to the faded images of corporate buildings, just like the one I sat in. The buildings stood high, brushing against the grey murky sky. Maybe the view seen from sitting at the top was exactly how those who sat there felt. It's how I feel at the moment. I was sure I wasn't alone in that feeling. Sure, you'd never know it. Those that sat up there always had their game face on. The face that screamed I am ready to take on the world, but behind closed doors left with the dull, dreary view, they wondered if the sacrifices they were making were worth what stood to be lost. Blaise and I weren't going to be a repeat of Preston and me. That much I knew for sure. In that moment I made my decision. I had to fix the bridge before I fell through it. I'd come to the realization that the sun doesn't always shine on the ivory tower, kinda like the grass isn't greener. You can say it however you want, but bottom line it hit me, and it hit me hard. For most it hits after the fact when it's already too late. I guess I was one of the lucky ones with the opportunity to make changes before that time comes. At least I sure as hell hoped it wasn't too late.

Lost in such a daze, I jumped at the sound of my phone ringing.


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Tags: Adult, Contemporary, Erotic Romance, Suspense, Mystery