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Donna Del Oro

I'm a retired high school teacher, whose first passion has always been reading and writing books. I've been a storyteller ever since I could print. After raising two children and a husband, I now have the time to devote to my first love, storytelling. My hobbies include traveling, painting, singing and golf. Half Latina, my first two books reflect my mixed, bicultural, bilingual heritage. In my third book, Born To Sing, my heroine is also latina, a Tejana or Texicana (a born-and-raised Texan of Mexican descent). My first book, Operation Familia, won an award in the Latino Books into Movies contest, sponsored by the Latino Book Festival, 2010. In the novel, Born To Sing, I'm branching out and starting a  new series about singers and their careers and love lives.

Undercover Lies

Undercover Lies

Jake Bernstein is a little baffled when he’s called upon in his position as an FBI analyst to assist..

$4.00 $7.99

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