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Divine Attraction

Published by: eXtasy Books

Author : Tonya Ramagos

ISBN :978-1-55410-756-8

Page :256

Word Count :62000

Publication Date :2010-08-23

Series : #

Heat Level :

Available Formats : Divine Attraction (pdf) , Divine Attraction (prc) , Divine Attraction (epub) , Divine Attraction (mobi)

Category : Erotic Romance

  • Product Code: 978-1-55410-756-8

When Dominique Gabor ran an ad for an evening babysitter the last thing she expected was tall, dark, breathtakingly handsome Joshua Divine to come knocking.

Single mother and bartender, Dominique Gabor needs a nighttime babysitter. Now! Problem is, only three women have applied for the position and she can't imagine hiring either of them. Then Joshua Divine comes knocking and one look at him has her wanting to hire him to babysit her! But incredible looks and a charming smile don't necessarily make him the right man to watch after her son.

Joshua Divine is a college student at the age of thirty studying child psychology. Though he's gained plenty of experience from his five younger brothers and sisters, time alone with a child not his sibling is just what he needs. But a hot, single mom that tempts him at every turn is far more than he bargained for.

Dominique was staring. She knew she was staring but she couldn't help herself. And who could blame her when faced with such a hotbed of perfection? There was no way the man before her was the man she had spoken with on the phone. And yet, there was. Hadn't she first guessed that the smooth, sexy voice belonged to an equally smooth and sexy man? Her gaze dropped to his feet, noted the shiny black loafers he wore, slowly climbed up again. Black slacks that no doubt concealed a pair of strong, muscular legs led to a teal green button down shirt that failed to hide the ripples of his chest. His face was clean-shaven, his skin a deep tan, his lips a luscious shade of pale pink.

Then she reached his eyes…and she was lost. They were green. But not a shade of green she had ever seen before. They were so light and yet so bright. So stunning that it took all the strength she could muster to prevent the moan that ached deep in her throat from escaping. And this man wanted to be her son's babysitter! No way. No fucking way! He was absolutely, positively way too drop-dead gorgeous to be a babysitter. But a mommy-sitter… Hmm, now wasn't that a pleasant thought?

"Hi," he said. Oh yeah, this was definitely the same man she had spoke with on the phone. That short, single syllable word was all she needed to hear to confirm that fact. He extended his hand. "I'm Joshua Divine."

"That you are," Dominique murmured. It wasn't until she saw his smile bloom into a full blown grin, saw the glint of amusement in those mesmerizing eyes, that she realized she had spoken aloud. Her cheeks flamed and if she could have buried herself in a dark, deep hole at that very moment there wouldn't have been a shovel in the world that could have dug her out. "I'm Dominique Gabor. No kin to Za Za," she said quickly, though her frail attempt at a joke failed to hide her embarrassment.

She put her hand in his. Bad idea. Very, very bad idea. His grasp was tight yet gentle, his skin warm and only slightly callused, and she felt the effects of that physical contact all the way to her toes. The want that coursed through her, the need to feel that hand on other parts of her bare flesh rocked her insides. It was too much, too quick, too fierce, too shocking. She nearly jerked her hand free of his but instead forced herself to pull back slowly.

Her mouth had gone dry, all the moisture in her body settling at the heated point between her legs. She licked her lips, swallowed and dared to speak. "Please, come in." To her surprise, her voice sounded even, in control. Strange, when nothing else about her felt that way.

She sidestepped, allowing him to enter, watched him as he moved inside. Her gaze slid down the wide expanse of his back, settled on his tight fitting slacks and damn if his backside didn't look as good as the front. She quickly averted her gaze. He's here for the job, Dominique. Not for a date. Quit gawking over the poor man.

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Tags: Adult, Contemporary, Erotic Romance