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Flesh: The Island of Madam Sin

Published by: eXtasy Books

Author : Judith Devere

ISBN :978-1-55410-203-7

Page :330

Word Count :82500

Publication Date :2010-11-29

Series : #

Heat Level :

Available Formats : Flesh the Island of Madam Sin (epub) , Flesh the Island of Madam Sin (mobi) , Flesh the Island of Madam Sin (pdf) , Flesh the Island of Madam Sin (prc)

Category : Contemporary Romance , Erotica

  • Product Code: 978-1-55410-203-7

Katrina has it all. Her life could hardly be more idyllic, until she meets hedonist Armand Leveq…

In order to save her father from imprisonment for defrauding his business partner, billionaire entrepreneur and ultimate hedonist, Armand Levequ, Katrina Mandell agreed to indenture herself, body and soul, to Armand for six months. For the past three months she has been a virtual prisoner at Chateau Levequ, Armand’s reconstructed ancestral home on a remote Caribbean island, where she has been subjected to an unremitting regimen of sexual slavery, humiliation and sado-masochism. In this searing sequel, we observe the completion of Katrina’s sexual transformation during the final three months of her indenture. The sexual excesses, anguish and torment she faces during this period easily surpass the trials she endured in the first three months. But Katrina is also presented with a new and daunting challenge, which, if she accepts it, will eventually lead to her discovery of Armand Levequ’s hitherto secret purpose in effectively hijacking her life.

Obediently, Kat rose from her bed, walked out onto the balcony, her naked body pale in the bright luminescence of the moon. With trembling hands she grasped the stone balustrade, a wanton breeze caressing her flesh as she waited for him. From each corner of the balcony, hideous and goggle-eyed with gothic depravity, two ancient stone gargoyles seemed to leer at her in anticipation. Although her commitment to this moment had been both spontaneous and voluntary, she now wished that she had known in advance that it would come. Then, she could have prepared; eased the way for that most unnatural, degrading and potentially agonizing act by which a man can possess a woman. But it was too late for that; if she dallied, hesitated or asked to be excused for even a few moments, it would, she knew, detract from her act of submission, her sacrifice.

She tensed as his fingertips brushed the back of her neck, then ran slowly down her spine. His foot pressed against her instep. Recognizing the unspoken instruction, she set her feet wider apart on the stone floor. He slid a hand, palm down, over the rise of her right buttock, then between her thighs. His middle finger, flanked by the others, raked easily through the furrow of her sex, the lips silky slick with her arousal. Satisfied as to her readiness for his purpose, he withdrew his hand, evoking a deep sigh from Kat in the process.

“Bend for me, Katrina. Support yourself on the balustrade. Do you understand?”

“Yes, Armand. I understand fully.”

Bending from the waist, she complied with his instruction, laying her forearms upon the balustrade and using them as a pillow for her head. Armand stepped back a pace to appraise her stance, her upper body almost parallel with the floor, her long, slender legs set apart so that she was open to him. The twin globes of her buttocks, firm and smooth, glowed like white satin in the moonlight. She was exactly as he wanted her. Satisfied, he stepped up close to her again. Gripping her firmly by the hips, he inched forward. His cock needed no guidance; unerringly, it nudged between her parted upper thighs and, despite its bloated dimensions and rigidity, slipped into the sheath of her vulva like the proverbial hot knife through butter. She groaned as he impaled her, pushing back onto him. His long slow strokes evoked a chain of gasps and little cries from her throat. Almost lost in pleasure, she struggled to voice her puzzlement.

“Ar…Armand, I… I want to please you. I thought you would want to….”

“Yes, but…”

He paused as he drove deeply into her again, before slowly withdrawing from her completely. Kat sighed heavily at the sudden deprivation, then tensed and caught her breath as the head of his cock slid up between her buttocks to nuzzle against the tightly closed portal of her anus...

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Tags: Adult, BDSM, Bondage, Contemporary, Erotic and Beyond