A Fine Bromance
Published by: eXtasy Books
Author : Roland Graeme
ISBN :978-1-77111-993-1
Page :98
Word Count :20319
Publication Date :2014-05-07
Series : #
Heat Level :
Available Formats : A Fine Bromance (pdf) , A Fine Bromance (prc) , A Fine Bromance (epub) , A Fine Bromance (mobi)
Category : Contemporary Romance , Erotic Romance , LGBTQIA+ Romance , Romance
- Product Code: 978-1-77111-993-1
Two handsome, sexy brothers discover that they can only hide their homosexuality from each other for so long.
Tomasz is determined to keep his homosexual experimentations a secret from his older brother, Krzysztof—especially after Krzysztof teases Tomasz about having a bromance with his buddy Billy. How would Krzysztof react if he knew his kid brother and Billy were lovers? Matters become complicated when Tomasz discovers that he isn't the only member of the family who seems to prefer the company of men to that of women. Krzysztof seems to have a bromance of his own going on with a very macho cop—and a little sleuthing on Tomasz's part confirms his suspicion that the two men are much more than just friends.
"Come on, Tomasz," Billy pleaded. "Let me suck your cock some more. Then you can fuck me again."
"I can't stay that long," his friend Tomasz protested. "Your Mom and Dad will be getting home soon and I don't want them to find me here." What if Billy's parents caught him with his pants down? "And I've got to be getting home, myself. I told my brother I was going to the library to study for maybe an hour, an hour and a half at the most. Not for three whole fucking hours."
"He's your brother, not your keeper," Billy suggested.
Tomasz let out a snort of derision. "Oh, that's real original. Well, I'll tell you who he is. He's the guy who'll beat my ass if he finds out I lied to him about the library. And I can't imagine what he'd do to me if he ever found out that you and I have been screwing around with each other like this."
"He doesn't suspect anything, does he?"
"Of course not. What's there for him to get suspicious about? What are you saying? Are you saying I look queer? Or act queer?"
"Hell, no. You don't look or act queer, Tomasz. Not at all. That's for sure."
"Damn straight," Tomasz retorted, then laughed at his unintentional play on words. "It wouldn't hurt you to butch up your act a little, by the way," he added, insultingly.
Billy bristled. "Are you calling me a faggot?"
"You're no faggot," Tomasz conceded. "You might think about getting a haircut, though."
Billy had fine, silky-textured straight hair, which fell down and almost touched his shoulders. Tomasz could see that his remark had made the other boy self-conscious. Billy raised one hand to his head and swept his fingers through his locks, pushing his hair away from his forehead.
"What's wrong with my hair?" he asked.
"It's kind of long for a dude, that's all."
"Girls like it."
Tomasz snickered. "I didn't think it was girls you were interested in attracting. While we're on the subject—you can be kind of obvious when you check out other guys, at times. You might be better off cooling it a little and letting the other dude make the first move, if he's interested. A guy can get his ass kicked in this neighborhood if he's too far out of the closet."
"A gay man shouldn't have to stay in the closet, nowadays. He shouldn't have to hide what he is. Lots of guys don't. They're open about it. Gay couples live together and adopt kids. Hell, in some states two gay men can even get married, to each other. Legally married!"
"Well, I don't want to marry you, buddy," Tomasz said. "I just want to fuck you. So let's get on with it, if you're so determined to go for another round. Like I said—I don't have all night."
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Tags: Contemporary, Romance, GLBT