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Whispers in the Dark

Published by: eXtasy Books

Author : Juliana Poda

ISBN :978-1-4874-3526-4

Page :255

Word Count :79364

Publication Date :2024-08-30

Series : #

Heat Level :

Available Formats : Whispers in the Dark (epub) , Whispers in the Dark (mobi) , Whispers in the Dark (pdf) , Whispers in the Dark (prc)

Category : Contemporary Romance , Romance , What's New

  • Product Code: 978-1-4874-3526-4

“It’s time to face your demons, Anna,” he whispered, his voice a sinister echo in the darkness. “There’s no escaping what’s to come.”

Embark on a thrilling journey into the heart of darkness with Whispers in the Dark. As Lucca whispers to Anna, urging her to confront her demons, a sinister echo reverberates in the darkness, setting the tone for an unforgettable tale. Set against the captivating backdrop of Canada, follow Anna and Jake as they navigate a world where love intertwines with shadows, drawing you in with each turn of the page.

Warning: This book contains content that may be distressing for some readers, including themes of addiction, depression, violence, and nudity. Reader discretion is advised.

It was a night like any other in Aurelia, Canada—a quaint little town where the most excitement usually came from the local hockey team’s wins or Mrs. Patterson’s infamous apple pie at the annual fair. But on this particular night, the stillness of Aurelia was about to be shattered, and not in a way that anyone would have liked to remember.

Jake wasn’t your run-of-the-mill hero. He was more of a flawed-but-trying kind of guy. You see, Jake had a thing for the bottle, a love affair with the kind of spirits that didn’t exactly lift his own. That night, he was behind the wheel, not exactly in top form, with his vision as blurry as his decision- making skills.

Beside him, his wife—Jake’s emotional landscape was a tumultuous mix of betrayal, hurt, and a sense of losing control. The revelation of his wife’s infidelity and desire for divorce left him shattered, magnified by the numbing effect of alcohol.

In that moment, he grappled not only with the collapse of his marriage, but also the realization that he had contributed to the destruction through his drinking.

As he got into the car, the alcohol seemed to amplify his pain, turning into a destructive force that fueled his impulsive actions. His insistence on driving, despite his inebriation, symbolized a desperate attempt to escape the emotional wreckage.

The heated exchange with his wife revealed a deep-seated anger, but beneath it lay a profound sense of loss and confusion. As they sped down the road, their argument escalated, matching the speed of the car. Picture this: a car speeding down a dark road, its occupants lost in a heated exchange, oblivious to the world rushing by outside.

“You’re driving like a lunatic, Jake!” she exclaimed, her voice a mixture of fear and frustration. But Jake, in his inebriated wisdom, wasn’t one to back down.

Then, in a moment of dramatic flair that would’ve impressed even the most seasoned soap opera star, she reached over and slapped Jake. “If we die, we die together!” she declared, her voice tinged with a mix of melodrama and genuine fear.

Now, in any other story, this might have been the moment where Jake had an epiphany, pulled over, and they had a good, long talk about their life choices. But, no, this was not that kind of story.

The slap, a catalyst in this tragic tale, sent the car spinning like a drunken dancer. Jake, struggling to regain control, found his efforts futile. The car, as if possessed by a mischievous spirit, drove off the road.

What followed was a ballet of chaos—the car spun, twisted, and pirouetted before making its final, fatal bow against a tree. The impact was a crescendo of crushing metal and shattering glass, a violent end to their midnight escapade.

In the eerie calm that followed, the car, now a mangled piece of modern art, lay in silence. Jake, dazed and battered, came to the devastating realization that his wife, his partner in crime and life, was gone. In an instant, their bickering, their laughter, and their shared dreams were extinguished.

As Jake stumbled out of the car, the cold Canadian night air embraced him like a somber blanket. The once quiet road of Aurelia was now a stage for a tragedy, a stark reminder of the fragility of life and the consequences of our choices.

So, there you have it. A night in Aurelia that started like any other, but ended in a way that would forever change the course of one man’s life. A tale of love, loss, and a lesson painfully learned under the indifferent gaze of the moonlit sky.

In the aftermath of the crash, the once serene night in Aurelia was pierced by the wail of sirens. Red and blue lights flashed, casting shadows on the trees lining the road. First responders arrived, their faces a mix of professionalism and concealed shock, accustomed as they were to tragedy in its many forms. Jake stood beside the wreckage, his body trembling not just from the cold, but also from the shock and the weight of his newfound reality. The officers approached cautiously, their voices a blend of authority and sympathy. “Sir, are you alright?” one asked, eyeing him with a mix of concern and scrutiny.

Words escaped Jake. How could he explain that alright had just left his life in the passenger seat of his crumpled car? He simply nodded, his gaze fixed on the twisted metal that had sealed his fate.

The paramedics rushed to his side, their hands skillful and gentle as they checked for injuries. But Jake’s wounds were not the kind that could be bandaged or stitched. They were deeper, carved into his soul by the night events.

As they led him to the ambulance, Jake’s mind replayed the evening’s events in a torturous loop. The argument, the slap, the crash—each moment a link in the chain of decisions that led to this irrevocable point.

In the distance, a crowd had gathered, drawn by the spectacle. Whispers and murmurs filled the air, a chorus of speculation and judgment. Jake, once just another face in the crowd, was now the center of a narrative he never wanted to be part of.

At the hospital, the stark white walls and the antiseptic smell of the emergency room contrasted sharply with the chaos of his thoughts.

Officers asked questions, their pens scratching against paper, documenting the tragedy in official terms. But no amount of paperwork could capture the depth of Jake’s despair.

Hours passed, each one a reminder of the life he had lost. The sun began to rise, casting its first light on a world that, for Jake, had forever changed. He sat there, a man adrift in a sea of guilt and regret, pondering the jagged pieces of his shattered life.

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Tags: Romance, Contemporary