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The Teacher

Published by: eXtasy Books

Author : Shiloh Love

ISBN :978-1-4874-3773-2

Page :73

Word Count :21466

Publication Date :2022-12-09

Series : #

Heat Level :

Available Formats : The Teacher (prc) , The Teacher (pdf) , The Teacher (mobi) , The Teacher (epub)

Category : Contemporary Romance , Christmas

  • Product Code: 978-1-4874-3773-2

In the heart of Aurora Borealis lie fantasies untold.

Forget Santa…the only man Sasha wants in her chimney is Master Swann, the dashingly handsome, irresistible music teacher with a voice smoother than fine wine and richer than liquid gold.
When Nash Swann chooses Sasha as the newest member of his a cappella group for an upcoming Christmas concert, they hit high notes that leave the shy working girl living a euphoric dream.
In his quest for a soulmate, Master Swann utilizes his skill as a music teacher to find his queen. When classes end for the year, Swann makes his move. He must ease his chosen love interest into a new world—his world, then risk losing her as the final step. What awaits them if they succeed is sheer paradise.
Suspended between fantasy and reality, Sasha struggles with her attraction to a man who dominates her thoughts and her body. Falling in love with her voice instructor will ruin everything! When the master mysteriously vanishes after a night of unbridled passion in which he declared Sasha his queen, she sadly moves on.
Will the nightmare before Christmas knock Sasha off key? Or will the master surprise her with the most incredible gift of all? Fame and fortune challenges true love in this warm fuzzy romance hot enough to melt ice off the rooftops.

Secrets are meant to be kept. Especially during Christmas season. And Sasha was determined to keep her crush just that—a secret.

Warm rich honey. Liquid gold. A waterfall of the smoothest decadent chocolate imaginable—Master Swann’s voice could sing anyone into a writhing state of arousal that scrambled their senses.

With striking good looks that paralleled his voice, the man had heartbreak written all over him. Sasha spent more time gazing dreamily at his handsome face and gorgeous blond hair than at her music book.

One glance from his beautiful golden-brown eyes or one flash of his charismatic smiles suffused her cheeks with heat. She averted her gaze in those moments to hide the effect he had on her.

Today’s rehearsal was for a Christmas concert to be held in New York City’s Central Park, where thousands of people would gather for the lighting of a colossal holiday tree. Only the best singers would make the cut from among dozens who longed to join the highly esteemed professor’s group. Those chosen few would travel from Pittsburgh as Master Swann’s a cappella ensemble to perform in New York.

He was demonstrating how to sing effortlessly from one octave to another. His voice cascaded over the notes in velvety waves into a fluent crescendo, then back down again. Sasha lost herself in his rich, deep resonance and found it nearly impossible to concentrate. His vocal range utterly captivated. her. When he sang higher, capturing those tenor notes with impeccable ease, she nearly melted from her chair onto the floor.

He led the elite class through a warm-up session, then requested they practice vocal scales. Her knees felt weak in his imposing presence, and she had no doubt her voice would give away the overwhelming effect of desire he had on her.

Master Nash Swann. She sighed. Commanding. Sexy. Intriguing. Yes. Master Indeed. Walk those beautiful, long fingers all over me.

She rested her chin on one hand and gazed longingly at the slender hands of the musician as he used them to direct the class. His exquisite hands moved as fluently as his voice, creating an absorbing ambience of sheer delight. She’d never heard God Rest Ye Merry Gentleman sound this entrancing.

Someone from behind kicked her chair abruptly and interrupted her blissful state of daydreaming.

“Sasha!” Olivia, her best friend, said in an urgent whisper. “He’s putting us into groups.”

Sasha whipped around. “To sing?”

“Of course, silly. That is why we’re here.” Olivia wrinkled her brows.

Sasha swigged a mouthful of iced tea and straightened in her chair, trying to look studious and alert. She didn’t consider her voice all that great, but she loved to sing and had hoped taking lessons would at the least help her to sing on a more skilled and hopefully professional level.

What she hadn’t expected was an instructor overflowing with charisma. The man’s voice was downright unforgettable. Even outside of class, she heard him speaking and singing in her head.

“Sasha,” Master Swann said calmly. “How about singing with my group? I want to find your range.”

She wiped sweaty palms on her skirt and nodded. The way her name rolled off his tongue excited her more than it should. Intrusive thoughts stirred her deep inside. She fleetingly imagined him whispering her name while holding her in a tender embrace. How can I sing in front of him when I can’t even think in his presence? Her thoughts raced.

“Lucky duckling you,” Olivia chortled from behind. “I want to hear every detail after class.”

Sasha shot her a nervous glance, then moved to the front, where the instructor and three young guys were sitting in a circle.

“I’d like a female in the mix,” Master Swann told her as she slid onto an empty chair beside him. “Have you ever sung a cappella?”

“In the shower,” she replied with arched brows, drawing chuckles from the guys and a soft smile from Swann. Everyone called him Swann at his request. He never gave a reason why. Nevertheless, Sasha couldn’t get past Master, because he commanded respect with no obvious effort.

“Well, let’s see how you do, then.” He passed out sheet music to a song. “Are you familiar with this piece?”

She looked at the lyrics to O Holy Night. “Yes. I know it well.”

“Great. Let’s sing it together. Everyone sing in your most comfortable range so I can get a feel for how you sound together, then we’ll decide from there what changes to make if any.”

Sasha drew a calming breath. She loved this song and sang it often. Its broad range left room for many vocal styles.

Master Swann led into the song with a low sultry hum, then cued each of them with a lift of his hand when their time came to jump in. Her nervousness fell away as they began to sing. She watched his hands and eyes for guidance.

When they finished the song, his gaze moved around their group before settling on her. Everyone was staring in silence.

“Wow…” he finally said in hushed reverence. “You have a lovely mezzo-soprano voice.”

“I was a little nervous,” she said.

He stared at her for a moment, then directed his attention to the guys. “Roman, you’re on track for vocal percussion and bass. Kane, stay with the baritone, you’ve got it. We’ll mix things up as needed. And Austin...Austin, Austin, Austin,” he said with a grin. “What the hell was that today? Where’s my tenor? You were all over the place.”

Austin, a curly-headed blond-haired, blue-eyed cutie—maybe too cute—grinned. “Sorry. I got distracted.”

“Yeah, a little.” Master Swann chuckled.

“Sorry,” Austin responded with a grin. “Her voice…”

Sasha felt herself blush.

“This is our first time with the chick.” Roman, a daringly handsome black man with hazel eyes said. He looked to be in his twenties.

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Tags: Romance, Contemporary, Christmas