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Published by: eXtasy Books

Author : Catherine Lievens

ISBN :978-1-4874-0903-6

Page :1

Word Count :36933

Publication Date :2016-10-28

Series : Gillham Pack#17

Heat Level :

Available Formats : Clea (epub) , Clea (prc) , Clea (mobi) , Clea (pdf)

Category : Erotic Romance , LGBTQIA+ Romance , Paranormal Romance , Romance

  • Product Code: 978-1-4874-0903-6

Life is all about surprises.

Clea found his mate during the battle against Tom and his council, but things haven’t been easy. Christian and his family moved in with the pack, but Christian has been avoiding Clea, and no matter how much Clea wants to think his mate needs time, he’s starting to think Christian just doesn’t want him.

Christian never meant to push Clea away, but he needed time to wrap his mind around what happened. He found out his brother wasn’t dead, that the pack didn't want to hurt anyone, and most importantly, that his mate is a man, something Christian hadn’t expected.
When Christian realizes he’s pushing Clea away, he makes amends. Clea accepts it, but they both have to deal with their families, and with the knowledge that shifters have been exposed to the world. No one knows what it means for them yet, but things are changing. Will the pack be able to stay united, or will things start to crumble apart?

 “No.” Clea crossed his arms over his chest and glared at Kameron.

Kameron didn't seem to care. “It’s the perfect job for you.”

“I already have a job.”

“And you haven’t worked in weeks.”

Clea sighed. He couldn’t deny that, even though he thought his reason for not going to work was a good one. Probably. And Kameron had been the one to suggest he take some time off, so really, he shouldn’t be throwing it in Clea’s face. “I can go back whenever you need me to.”

Kameron sighed and leaned back into his chair. He looked at Clea over his desk, and Clea knew he’d say yes. Of course he would.

“I don’t want you to go back to being an enforcer,” Kameron said. “Not if you don’t want to.”

“I do want to, just…”

“You already have enough to deal with.”

“Exactly. I really don’t want to have to add being your PA to that.”

“Have you had any results with Christian?”

Clea really didn’t want to answer that question, but Kameron was one of the few who needed to know what was happening. “No.”

“He still doesn’t want to talk to you?”

Clea snorted. “That’s an understatement. He actually leaves the room any time I enter it. It’s like I’m contagious or something.” And damn if that didn't hurt. Clea didn't love Christian—he didn't know him well enough to love him yet, even though he’d known they were mates for weeks, ever since the attack. Christian had seemed shocked then, when he’d first realized Clea was his mate, but he’d gotten over it pretty fast, and he’d started avoiding Clea since then.

Kameron had given Clea all the time he wanted to woo Christian, or at least get him to talk to him, but so far Clea hadn’t had any luck with that. Taking time off work was obviously not working, but he wasn’t sure becoming Kameron’s PA would change anything.

“You’ll get through to him.”

Clea snorted again. “I wish I could believe that, but I’m not so sure anymore.”

“Has he told you what his problem is?”

Clea shook his head. “He never stays in the room long enough for us to talk.”

“What about Iggy? Have you tried asking him what’s happening?”

“Yeah, of course I have. He doesn’t want to tell me anything Christian wouldn’t tell me himself, but he’s not as tight-lipped as he wants to be. From what I gathered, Christian isn’t gay.” And wasn’t that a problem. Clea was sure fate wouldn’t have put them together if Christian hadn’t been at least a bit inclined to being with men, but Christian would never admit it. He didn't seem to have problems with his brother being mated to a man, but obviously it wasn’t the same as him being with a guy. They could probably get over it if they talked, but Christian obviously didn't want to, and Clea was growing weary of trying.

“Being my PA would keep you here in Gillham,” Kameron pointed out.

It was true. Clea knew Christian wanted to become an enforcer, and if they both were, it would be hard for them to be together. Enforcers were sent where they were needed, so even though Clea and Christian’s home base would still be the pack, it wouldn’t mean they’d actually spend much time there. It would make their already difficult situation even harder.

Maybe it was what they needed, though. Christian didn't want Clea, so Clea should probably stop trying to talk to him. It might make a difference, or it might not. Clea couldn’t continue pushing, though. Sooner or later, he’d reach a point where he couldn’t anymore, where he’d have to choose. Maybe this was it. Maybe that moment had arrived and Clea should just give up.

He shook his head. “I want to get back to work.”

Kameron pressed his lips together. “I’m gathering you’re not accepting my job offer?”

“No. I want to go back to my enforcer team.”

“Are you sure?”

Clea wasn’t, but he nodded anyway. “Yes. When can I start?”

“Your team is away right now, but they’re scheduled to come back by the end of the week. You can start training with them again, and if that’s what you want, you’ll be the team’s Nix for the next mission and the ones following it.”

“It’s what I want.”

Kameron slowly nodded. He was staring at Clea as if expecting him to change his mind, and Clea looked away. He did want to change his mind already, but he wasn’t going to tell Kameron that.

“All right. I’ll let you know what your next mission will be once I know.”

Clea got up and started to leave, but before he could walk out the door, Kameron’s voice stopped him.

“Do you want me to talk to Christian?”

Clea shook his head and looked at Kameron. “No. I don’t think it would change anything. This is between Christian and me, no one else.” And Christian probably wouldn’t appreciate Kameron sticking his nose in something that wasn’t his business. Clea wasn’t sure if Christian considered Kameron his alpha, even though his entire family now lived with the pack. There was no way to tell how he’d take Kameron’s intervention.

“I’ll keep my mouth shut, then. But I hope you know that if you need anything, you can come talk to me.”

“Yeah, I know.” Kameron was always available for his pack members and the enforcers who lived in pack territory. It didn't mean he and Clea were best friends, though. Clea knew he could talk to him if something important came up, but when it came to mating, Kameron wouldn’t be the first person Clea went to. They weren’t that close.

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Tags: Gay, GLBT, Paranormal, Romance, Shapeshifter