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Exclusive Excerpt from Right of Refusal by Viola Grace!

Exclusive Excerpt from Right of Refusal by Viola Grace!

Right Of Refusal by Viola Grace

Coming Sept. 3rd

Trapped in her body, she is given a chance at a new life as a caretaker, but guarding horny superheroes loses its appeal quickly.

Beatrix’s world has been shrinking as her body slowly locks up into immobility and constant pain. A strange woman arrives at her door and offers her a chance for a body without pain and the form she had in her early twenties. The price of this miracle? Just her life and moving to an alien world as caretaker for a group of superheroes.

The charm of the men wore thin fast, and she put her foot down after she overheard some hurtful remarks. She activated her one caveat from the contract, her right of refusal. Bea quit.

She ends up with the avatar, pregnant, friendless, and alone on a world where everyone but her has scales and a forked tongue. The one refrain in her mind is simple... she should have read the contract.

Resetting a life twice is hard enough, but doing it as the only one of her kind on an entire world is definitely trickier than she had imagined. At least she could dance now.


They wanted to know everything about her physiology and how she was carrying five small life signs already. With fourteen months as a pregnancy average, her life was going to start revolving around these little critters sooner rather than later.

She smiled. Having a family of her own had always been a dream, but having five kids at once was going to be strange. She would be monitored throughout gestation, and if she had to be put on bedrest, they would arrange it. The medics were chuckling about lecturing the guardians on how to care for their breeding partner. She swallowed. “Don’t start on that yet. Things need to remain as normal as possible for as long as possible. They have other things to worry about.”

The medics agreed, and she exhaled.

They nodded and dismissed her for the next two weeks. She called Ssran, and he chuckled when he answered. “Turn around and look behind you.”

She turned and saw him. Medics and other researchers were standing with their mouths open. Ssran-Lianic bowed to her. “Miss Beatrix. You are looking well.”

She bowed formally when he was straight. “Avatar Ssran-Lianic, voice of the world beneath our feet. You are looking well considering that I just saw you yesterday.”

He chuckled. “I am always stronger at home. Now, shall we?”

He held out his hand, and she took it. He pulled her against him for a moment, and she cuddled to his chest, and when she looked up and around, the entire research area had come to a halt.

She licked her lips and looked up at him. “Did I do something wrong?”

“No, pet. I just do not cuddle females in public that often. Let’s go.” He stroked her cheek and took her hand, leading her out of the facility and through the streets.

“Where are we going?”

“My place. You will make an excellent hostess for my home until you have a different calling.”

“Um, are you sure that is okay?”

He grinned. “I am sure. It will just be you and me. My house is automated, but I have visitors regularly. Having you acting as hostess will make the place more attractive. Hm. We do need to improve your wardrobe. The ship suit is fine for the guardians, but I am fussier.”

She blinked, and they walked until they were in the middle of a shopping district. He pulled her into a shop, and she was spun, measured, petted because the shop owner had no idea how someone could be that soft and that solid at the same time, and then, she was scooped out of her bodysuit and put into an outfit that looked like it was clinging to her body rather than being fastened in place. Her belly was exposed, breasts covered by swags of fabric that went behind her neck and fastened at the small of her back. Her arms were wrapped with embroidered ribbons, and she had a cloak of sorts covering her back. Ssran-Lianic unravelled her braid and combed it out over her shoulders.

“There. Now you look appropriate to the environment.”

She looked down, and her thighs could feel every breeze and change in room temperature as she neared the window. The rumpled black silk caught every movement of air. The sandals were comfortable, and she asked, “I don’t see many women on the street. Why is this place even here?”

Ssran-Lianic chuckled. “We get thrill tourists who want to take home clothing. This is not that.”

She frowned. “Thrill tourists?”

“Women. We have a high birthrate for males, small for females. So, when females are here, they are very popular. The citizens have been trained to not cause injury when copulating.”

She blinked, and her skin turned hot pink. “Oh. So, the guys expected me to be...”

“Up for some fun. Your alterations have not been disclosed to them.” He shrugged. “I wanted them to gravitate to you naturally, not because of desperation.”

“They might have. I was cold, tired, hungry, and stupid by the time they showed up.”

He frowned. “They didn’t show up right away? Their assignment was over hours before we landed.”

She paused. “Um, no. I was there for three hours. The second moon was up. Lioth had a pretty nasty case of internal damage.”

Ssran-Lianic bristled. “They left you there? Never mind them. You will stay with me until the little ones are born, and then, we can negotiate and see if you would care to carry again.”

She chuckled weakly. “That was not in my contract.”

“You didn’t read your contract.” He grinned, and she had started getting used to the large fangs that the locals sported.

He loomed over her, his flared hood blocking out the light through the windows. He leaned down to kiss her softly. “You deserve more than to be treated as a toy.”

She looked up at him. “You brought me here.”

“Yes, and I shall take care of you.” He stroked her cheek. “So soft. They don’t know what they are missing.”

She looked up at him and blinked. “You didn’t share this part of your plan with Gaia, did you?”

He snorted. “Of course not. Ostensibly, you are here as their mate and breeder, but if they reject you, or you them, I am here to make sure you adapt well and enjoy Ssran.”

“The person or the planet?”

He leaned in and kissed her slowly. “Yes.”

Her hormones were rioting, and her eyes widened. “You had me adjusted for you.”

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