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Believing In The Traitor

Published by: eXtasy Books

Author : Charlie Richards

ISBN :978-1-4874-0556-4

Page :107

Word Count :29862

Publication Date :2015-10-27

Series : A Paranormal’s Love#14

Heat Level :

Available Formats : Believing In The Traitor (pdf) , Believing In The Traitor (prc) , Believing In The Traitor (epub) , Believing In The Traitor (mobi)

Category : Erotic Romance , Paranormal Romance

  • Product Code: 978-1-4874-0556-4

Into the Paranormal World: One man’s lie is another man’s truth.

Walter wonders if he made a mistake. One minute, he’s helping his boss recapture stolen animals. The next, he realizes everything is not as it seems. A split second decision completely changes his life, and he takes a bullet meant for someone, something, else.

Awake and lucid after months in a coma, Walter discovers the true depth of his boss’s treachery. Now, he knows myths and legends are real, and his boss had even been holding some of those creatures captive. The animals hadn’t been stolen, they’d actually been freed…by gargoyles!

One such beast, a black-winged, golden gargoyle named Treatise, fires his blood like no one ever has. Except, Walter is a traitor. Can anyone truly trust him, even the gargoyle who claims him as his mate?

A shadow crossed in front of a light source in the front room, creating a silhouette of a big form.

Another gargoyle?

After Walter had eaten Leroy’s food and slept for a while, Doctor Perseus had arrived. He’d been shocked to see that the doctor was also a gargoyle. The creature was a pale green with black wings and claws. He’d also had a hell of a calming bedside manner.

Walter had listened to Perseus explain what gargoyles were, along with paranormals, including shifters and vampires. He wasn’t certain why the male was being so forthcoming. Maybe it was because he’d taken that bullet for someone they called their chieftain.

How do I explain it was a knee-jerk reaction?

Listening to a couple of voices mumble, Walter strained his ears. He still couldn’t make out what was said. Seconds later, a pair of shadows appeared, then two forms passed through the doorway.

Walter used his hands to ease into a sitting position, his arms trembling just a little before he managed to get a pair of pillows behind his back. That was a win, he supposed. After all, the previous day he could hardly squeeze Leroy’s hand or pry open his eyelids.

While his muscles had weakened, at least he’d lost weight, too. He’d been trying to get rid of his damn spare tire for months, but the fatty foods at the carnival coupled with the slow patrol or standing around required for his job made it tough. He guessed that was all behind him now.

“I remember you, from yesterday,” Walter stated, looking at the larger male. The massive, dark green gargoyle paused just inside the doorway. “But I didn’t catch your name.”

The second male passed him and strode closer. He even passed the door that led to the bathroom, the door to the front room—it seemed the suite was designed like an O—and settled in the chair near the nightstand.

For some reason, Walter couldn’t take his eyes off of the new gargoyle. The male was broad-shouldered and gold. Literally, his skin tone was a mottled gold color. He’d never seen anything like it.

Walter had snuck off to the big city a couple of times to share a hand job with another man when the need to feel a dick not his own in his grip grew to be too much. He’d never been fixated on a one night stand before, though. The black wings draped over his shoulders and the black-clawed hands gripping the arms of the chair just accentuated his features.

It was the male’s intense emerald-colored eyes that truly drew him, completely focused on him.

He almost found it disconcerting.

“I am Tobias,” the first male stated.

Walter blinked, realizing he stared at the gold gargoyle. Yanking his gaze from the handsome male, he focused on the green creature. Holy shit, do I really find the gargoyle handsome? He knew he did, but that didn’t mean he wanted the other male to realize it.

“Uh, nice to meet you?”

Tobias smirked at him. “Doctor Perseus told me that he gave you a broad rundown of gargoyles and a couple of other paranormals.” After Walter nodded, Tobias continued, “That means you must know that by me saying I am the second of this clutch, I am second-in-command behind our chieftain, Maelgwn. If you ever have any issues, you are welcome to come to me with them.”

Unable to help himself, Walter scoffed. “Come to you?” He managed to lift his right hand and wave it for a second or two before returning it to his lap. “How would I do that?”

“I will help you with that,” the second male stated softly, redrawing his attention. “My name is Treatise, and I’m here to help you rehabilitate. Help you regain muscle control. I have many things in mind to help you get moving, from massages to nature walks.” His smile appeared encouraging. “We will get you back on your feet.”

Walter actually felt his face heat in a blush. Plus, much to his chagrin, his dick began to plump. Never had he had that happen from just a smile.

Shit! What the hell does that mean?

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Tags: Adult, Gay, GLBT, Paranormal, Erotic Romance