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With a Force of Eight

Published by: eXtasy Books

Author : Shiloh Love

ISBN :978-1-4874-4050-3

Page :85

Word Count :24811

Publication Date :2023-11-17

Series : Feather Blue#6

Heat Level :

Available Formats : With a Force of Eight (prc) , With a Force of Eight (pdf) , With a Force of Eight (mobi) , With a Force of Eight (epub)

Category : Romantic Suspense and Mystery , Romance

  • Product Code: 978-1-4874-4050-3

Sometimes, even if you don’t get the girl, you might end up with something even better.

Rebar works on making up for his mistake even though Cameo has moved on. He’s determined to hold true to his values and prove whose side he’s really on.

The battle with the General comes to a head. And the fallout leaves everyone shellshocked.

Bonds are broken. New bonds are formed in this intense drama of love, action and suspense!

“Part of it,” she replied. “And to make him pay for torturing me and Cameo. Though I don’t like Cameo as much as I do Camille, I was heartbroken to hear what that man put her through. Everyone thinks I’m cold. Perhaps I am. But they can’t judge me until they’ve put on my boots and walked my road.”

“Cameo is amazing. How can you favor one over the other?”

Malika shrugged with indifference. “She’s just different. She’s not like Camille and me. Camille can bend a man to her will at any given moment. She won the heart of bigtime oil man Shade and his millionaire half-brother Rebar in a month’s time. I put it to the test that day in Rebar’s home. I goaded Camille into pursuing Rebar to see if she could steal the man right out from under her sister. And she did just that. No man can resist Camille. No man can resist me.”

Shook’s mind reeled. This woman had methods of operation that blew him away.

“Now the time of reckoning is at hand,” she continued in her soft, sultry voice. “The General will be forced to answer that burning question I’ve carried all these years. And it’s time the girls knew the truth about their paternity, don’t you think?” She gazed up at him.

He looked down at her face. “That’s why we’re going to Amarillo?”

“Yes. With you and Ricochet at my side, the General can’t hurt me. He’ll be outnumbered. I had a driver take me to his home in Santa Fe because I wanted answers. I was blindsided by Joan and Missy. I didn’t know they’d faked Joan’s death. My plan didn’t work out the first time. When Cameo showed up, posing as Camille, the General had taken me into hiding at Raton. I knew Cameo wouldn’t give up. She’s too loyal that way. I knew she’d find help and rescue me.”

“For a woman who says she doesn’t like her daughter, you sure put a lot of faith in her.”

Malika let out a short laugh. “Camille would’ve let me rot. She’s stubborn and proud like her mother. Not sweet Cameo. She can’t hold a grudge against anyone. That’s why I tracked her down…to assist in my mission. Once I met her, I knew she’d fall right into place and be instrumental in drawing her twin out. Camille didn’t budge on reconciling with me until you and I showed up and said Rebar was hurt. She sure came running then, didn’t she?”

“You played them?” He tried to hide his disgust.

“Of course. Camille was being a petulant brat. I knew how to light a fire under her and get Shade to go along with it.”

“Wow. I must admit. I’m shocked.”

“Desperate women do crazy things, Shook. Don’t ever forget that.”

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Tags: Romance, Mystery, Suspense