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Three's a Crowd

Published by: eXtasy Books

Author : Shiloh Love

ISBN :978-1-4874-4048-0

Page :89

Word Count :25819

Publication Date :2023-11-03

Series : Feather Blue#5

Heat Level :

Available Formats : Three's a Crowd (prc) , Three's a Crowd (pdf) , Three's a Crowd (mobi) , Three's a Crowd (epub)

Category : Romantic Suspense and Mystery , Romance

  • Product Code: 978-1-4874-4048-0

Cameo’s recovery from the ambush in Raton shifts in shocking ways as she discovers unsettling truths.

After parting ways with Rush, Cameo retreats to her apartment to heal. Everything feels different since her twin arrived on the scene. She struggles to process her feelings.

Rebar and Chamber have a heart-to-heart chat about Rebar waffling between the two sisters. Chamber is disappointed when Camille shows up uninvited with surprising intent.

After making what he feels is the right decision, Rebar finds himself on the losing end of another Malika scheme. The woman is relentless in her quest for revenge and stops at nothing to achieve her agenda.

Everything goes south—literally—when Cameo receives a devastating blow. And more than one man is waiting in the wings for the feisty beauty to make her break.

“How’s Cameo doing?” Chamber asked as he and Rebar sat on the lawn outside his lodge.

“ “Physically better but emotionally not so good.” Rebar cracked open a cold ale. “Anytime I mention that she gets together with her mom and sister she shuts me out.”

“ “Sounds normal given the amount of trauma she endured. Plus, this entire incident could’ve awakened horrors from her childhood. Ever thought Cameo might be suffering from PTSD? Rush said she took one hell of a beating.”

“ “Did Rush tell you everything? Cameo filled me in but seemed guarded.”

“ “He wasn’t an open book, but he did tell me what that man did to her and how they escaped.”

“Rebar leaned back in the cool grass and stared up at the night sky. “I can’t get over how she fought her way out and helped Rush, too.”

“ “Does Camille know that Joan is dead?”

“ “Not yet. I’ve been avoiding her. Besides, I think Cameo should be the one to tell her what happened. I have a feeling Cameo feels threatened by her sister and mother’s sudden reconciliation.”

“ “For sure. Can’t blame her. And they’re living together now? Sounds really shady if ya ask me.”

“Rebar furrowed his brows. “You think they’re up to something?”

“ “Since when is Malika not up to something?” Chamber scoffed. “Seems to me she recruited Camille yet again for God only knows what.”

“ “The General. She’s determined to get her revenge. But why would she need Camille?”

“ “Who knows how that woman thinks?”

“ “Is Shook still dating her or whatever they were doing?”

“Chamber shrugged. “Nobody’s been talking much lately. Good news about Rush, though. He’s fully recovered. The doctors said he was a walking miracle. They are baffled over how he survived a bullet wound that serious.”

“ “Really…” Rebar thought about Rush and Cameo’s appearance when they first saw them outside the bar in the desert. “He didn’t seem that badly hurt. Even Camille looked at the wound and said it wasn’t critical, that the bullet had gone straight through. She would know, being a nurse, and had she thought otherwise, no way would she have let him return on the bike.”

“ “The doctors said the bullet caused a lot of internal damage before it exited his back. Somehow, he didn’t bleed to death. They said they’d never seen anyone walk away from something like that.”

“ “Sounds like he had an angel watching over him. Maybe that girl Cameo mentioned really was an angel.”

“ “I’m relieved. He’s led Ricochet since I’ve known them. Not sure I’d be sitting here had the General killed him.”

“ “What do you mean?”

“Chamber shot him a warning look. “I’d probably be doing time for killing the prick. I get why Malika wants to rid the world of him. He gets away with murder because of his clout.”

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