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Keeper of the Land

Published by: eXtasy Books

Author : Shiloh Love

ISBN :978-1-4874-4068-8

Page :90

Word Count :26219

Publication Date :2024-04-05

Series : Feather Blue#15

Heat Level :

Available Formats : Keeper of the Land (epub) , Keeper of the Land (mobi) , Keeper of the Land (pdf) , Keeper of the Land (prc)

Category : Romantic Suspense and Mystery , Romance

  • Product Code: 978-1-4874-4068-8

A troubling email lures Cameo to Native American country in the hills of South Dakota to search for a mysterious book that may or may not give her the answers she seeks.

Cameo realizes the time for war has come. Shook is under heavy attack by a ghost horse and living tattoo, and she longs to end his torment.

The longstanding battle between Malika Rain and Feather Blue comes to a head. When the smoke clears, one question remains—will Cameo and Shook’s love survive as they’re pulled into two different worlds?

No one is shatterproof! Even the strongest and most stable souls can fall off the edge in the blink of an eye.

Cameo walked down to the stream to check her phone. One thing she didn’t like about the visits to Shook’s father was that there was no cellphone reception unless she hiked to the stream where she occasionally managed to connect, or down the hill to a spot near the main road.

She pulled out her cell and sifted through emails for anything important. Her belongings were still in Levi and Moss’s storage facility, so she kept an eye on any news from the guys. They’d been out of the loop since Rush helped Camille, and it didn’t seem like Ricochet would reunite anytime soon, if ever.

She didn’t fault Levi and Moss for distancing themselves from the crime and drama. They were a pair of standup guys with steady girls and a grounded homelife. Home life. Cameo smirked. Wonder what that feels like.

While wading through spam, she came across an email from Moss, a form letter announcing the pending sale of his facility, and that he and Levi had accepted an offer as business partners to head up something new in another country. They didn’t include further details. She understood.

Moss and Levi are bugging out. Wow. I don’t blame them. They probably want as far away from Shade and Malika as possible, like any stable person would.

Cameo wondered what their new venture would entail and if she’d ever see them again. She recalled a time when she felt close to them but could see how much everything had changed. Moss had included her in a bulk email instead of messaging her personally.

Either way, she was sad that Ricochet had fallen apart. Malika and Shade had seemingly achieved one of their goals—they’d disemboweled Rush’s mercy group by using every underhanded tactic they could to create conflict within the ranks.

Cameo sighed and sent a heartfelt thank you email back to Moss, telling him she’d have her unit cleared out soon, and wished them both all the best with their new venture.

She was about to close her email app when a new email popped up from Johnathan Grayson, the attorney who’d handled her inheritance from Jared. She was surprised to see new correspondence from him as he’d retired a month ago at the end of August.

Dear Ms. Parker,

Though I’m no longer actively practicing law, I felt the need to inform you that your inheritance of the parcel of land in Hot Springs, South Dakota, is being contested by your sister Camille. It seemed that word traveled back to her once the deed was transferred. Shade has powerful connections. I suspect he was able to help his wife pursue this. He has been scouting the area for new drilling sites. I did my best to protect your privacy, but I must apologize, some matters are beyond my control. She has hired a law firm to dispute your rightful ownership. I’m sorry this has happened. I don’t feel they have a solid basis because Jared’s will is ironclad. However, my advice is that you hire a legal team to protect your property and investments. Below is the name and number of a lawyer I know in South Dakota. He’s sharp.

Best regards,

Johnathan Grayson, Esq.

Attorney at Law

Wife? Drilling? She raced up the hill, pocketing her phone as she ran. She didn’t understand why Camille would do such a thing. They hadn’t seen each other since that run-in at Rebar’s. Cameo didn’t think a little squabble warranted such drastic action.

Shook rushed over to her as she came into view. “Baby, what’s wrong? You’re pale and shaking.” He pulled her into his arms.

“This. I can’t believe she’s doing this!” Cameo showed him the email.

“Damn her.” Shook’s expression darkened. “They won’t get away with this.”


“You can bet Shade is using Camille to get revenge.”

“Revenge? For what? They destroyed Ricochet. He got Camille back. Why would he come after me?”

“Your involvement with us blew his entire world apart. You were instrumental in leading us to Malika. And sadly, Malika used you to get her revenge on the General. Shade’s out on bail and by the looks of things, hasn’t backed off in his thirst for retaliation. Since Grayson mentioned wife, they had married, and Shade signed his assets over to Camille to keep doing business.”

Cameo gasped, horrified by the chain of events that had taken place since the first time Malika contacted her.

“I need to speak with my mother.” She left Shook holding her phone as she approached Feather, who was working on her next painting.


Feather turned, a gentle expression on her flawless beautiful face. “I will come with you.”

Cameo tilted her head. “Huh?”

“You received upsetting news. I will help you fight for your land. The evil ones always try to steal what is good.” Feather touched her cheek. “The spirit lives strong in you. We must protect your property. You belong to the land as it belongs to you.”

Feather began packing her paints and easel. White Wolf poked his head out the cabin door to see what all the commotion was.

“Goodbye, old friend,” Feather told him. “Don’t let the pain Olivia caused you turn to hate for the white people. Race does not dictate a person’s actions. She didn’t do what she did because she’s white. Olivia is afraid, as she should be for crossing paths with Malika. This is not her fight.”

White Wolf scowled at her but did not argue against her wisdom. He withdrew back into his cabin where he’d been spending all his time since Olivia left. The worst part was how he let one woman from his past rob him of precious time with sons he never knew existed, until now.

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Tags: Romance, Mystery, Suspense