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Don't Let Go

Published by: eXtasy Books

Author : Shiloh Love

ISBN :978-1-4874-4062-6

Page :72

Word Count :20890

Publication Date :2024-02-16

Series : Feather Blue#12

Heat Level :

Available Formats : Don't Let Go (epub) , Don't Let Go (mobi) , Don't Let Go (pdf) , Don't Let Go (prc)

Category : Romantic Suspense and Mystery , Romance

  • Product Code: 978-1-4874-4062-6

The battle between Ricochet and Shade’s troop has peaked and Malika continues to step up her game, using anyone at her disposal.

A new dark horse is on the scene and plays a crucial role in protecting Cameo while Shook struggles to stay on course. His friends are deeply concerned over his wellbeing when he begins to hallucinate. And the tattoo placed on his arm becomes a living nightmare, which propels him deeper into a darkness he can’t escape.

Cameo grows frustrated that the men won’t let her out of hiding. Even worse, she senses Shook wanting to let go to spare her from the darkness he’s fighting. But Cameo is tougher than the men realize, and she’s determined to keep her promise to Shook when he’d asked her to never leave him—even after he suggests they take a timeout.

Has Malika met her match in taking on the daughter of a legend?

“You’re still a sassy wench. Don’t get testy with me. You and I are more alike than you want to admit. You helped that nut Joan drug me and hold me hostage. You seduced Rebar to steal Eye Candy but failed miserably. And you were in cahoots with Malika against Cameo until it no longer suited you.” Shade paused, as if giving her time to feel the guilt. Then he added, “But my trump card, babe, is do you think Rebar loves you enough to raise another man’s child? You already duped him once. How’s he gonna feel when he finds out we fixed the paternity test?”

“That was your idea! You’re such a bastard. You used me to get Rebar back in your troop. You tampered with the test to ensure Rebar would take me back. Now you’re changing the plan because Malika dumped you? That’s hardly fair.”

“Hey. I forgave you for dragging me into that mess down in Louisiana. You let those two dimwits put me through hell. We fell in love and my friends welcomed you with open arms even after all you did. Plus, you walked away with a fat inheritance and your nursing license intact. I helped you with that. I could’ve pressed charges and had you sent away for good. Instead, I pulled strings to keep you out of jail because I love you. If you think about it, you’re the reason I met Malika. This whole damn thing started because you let Joan blackmail you.”

“I can’t believe you’re blaming me. This is insane.”

Shade didn’t let up. “You didn’t feel that way last year. Had you stood up to Joan, I’d have never met your mother. And I’ll say it again, despite your crimes, my friends welcomed you into our family. Now they’re gone, Camille, and I’m alone. I was on your side when you had no one to lean on. Are you seriously going to ignore my request for help and refuse to forgive me when I forgave you?”

“You’re guilt-tripping me. That’s not fair.” She plopped down on the bed.

“If you feel guilt, it’s not because of me. Maybe you realize I’m right. I didn’t coerce you into seducing Rush. Whose apple isn’t far from the tree now?”

She scowled at the phone. He was pulling out all the stops. There were times when she’d wondered if her past would come back to bite her.

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Tags: Romance, Mystery, Suspense